What we "legal" immigrants are doing? Why we are not able to unite & stand together?


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Last couple of days I am looking at demonstration these "illegal" immigrants are doing to pass the bill in congress while I am seeing "apathy" of we as a "legal" immigrants even to unite together! What tremendous "pressure" these "illegal" immigrants are putting on congress!!

Is anything wrong with us because of our "white collar" job or we are just happy with writing and consoling ourseleves by saying..."Light at end of tunnel" etc..etc..crap while PD moves day-by-day from 1 March 01, 2 March 2001 and observing how it got stuck at April 2001 for several years?
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There are about 11million illegal immigrants in US. Number of people stuck in retrogoression from India/China/Phi is about 1/1000 of that. Unfortunately the numbers don't add up.
Besides, unlike Mexicans, naturalised Indians have little or no concern for fellow countrymen stuck in immigration process. Just ask your friends who already got GC about what they think about this problem. Typical answer you can expect "who cares?"
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I think the latter has to do with the fact that among Hispanic population the immigration does not have such a competitive nature. Pretty much everybody can cross the border: adults, children, men or women, educated or not. Unlike Mexicans Indians have to try much harder to get into the country. After you are here there is job security issue, you gotta stick with your employer for N years. There are only that many high-pay jobs in IT industry, why would naturalized Indians help new folks to take them away? :)
I totally agrees. We should all go protest for "Legal" immigrates as well. We have to suffer to pay unlimited "X" amount of money every year for my EAD. Those money to pay for uneducated american guide the USCIS office. They are mean and give no respect for us at all. I am thinking to be "illegal". ha ha.
Immigrationvoice.org is doing an excellent work in getting attention to our issues. Please visit ImmigrationVoice.ORG and participate in webfaxes.


luck4321 said:
I totally agrees. We should all go protest for "Legal" immigrates as well. We have to suffer to pay unlimited "X" amount of money every year for my EAD. Those money to pay for uneducated american guide the USCIS office. They are mean and give no respect for us at all. I am thinking to be "illegal". ha ha.
I think.. our efforts are not visible in the form "Demonstrations" etc..

I think.. our efforts are not visible in the form "Demonstrations" etc..

h1b2ndterm, I do agree that Immigrationvoice.org is doing excellent work & I did faxed papers whenever they asked for..

But look at the "Demonstartions" of these "Illegal Immigrants" and covrage they are getting on TV & media!!! These demonstrations are really GOOD pressure tacties to pressurize and to wake-up USCIS, Senators & Congressmans & ALL politicians!!

h1b2ndterm said:
Immigrationvoice.org is doing an excellent work in getting attention to our issues. Please visit ImmigrationVoice.ORG and participate in webfaxes.


I completly agree with you, we need to do something more visible. I think Immigrationvoice is able to get some visibility but in different manner. This is what Immigrationvoice accomplished so far. ( quoting from one of the moderator at Immigrationvoice.org)

Immigration Voice have shown to the immigration community what they can do. Let's look at what Immigration Voice have done so far.

1. Hiring Strategic counsel (One of the top notch companies in DC.)
2. Spending money wisely so that all the members have the best ROI.
3. Convincing senators to bring amendments to the SJC immigration reform bill.
4. Membership going up consistently.
5. Endorsement from successful Immigration lawyers in US.
6. Media coverage (Roll call article, NBC interview)
7. Thorough analysis of immigration related bills, laws and provisions.
8. Immigration Voice members trust.

I think if they get more support from immigrants like us, we can make the amendments in SJC reform bill as law and go forward. Lets all support IV by donating and passing on the information to all our friends and colleques. So our dream of having GC will come true.

malia said:
I think.. our efforts are not visible in the form "Demonstrations" etc..

h1b2ndterm, I do agree that Immigrationvoice.org is doing excellent work & I did faxed papers whenever they asked for..

But look at the "Demonstartions" of these "Illegal Immigrants" and covrage they are getting on TV & media!!! These demonstrations are really GOOD pressure tacties to pressurize and to wake-up USCIS, Senators & Congressmans & ALL politicians!!