Initially when I was told they started their "enterprise" I thought they were kidding. They apply for those ITIN from IRS, get a form and go around saying that they have an "enterprise". Big deal. Of course if you work at McDonald's you wouldn't be making lots of money. It varies from region though.My sample here in Washington state involves about 30 people and growing. They started their job a couple of years ago, as housecleaners. They charge $80-120$ per session. They easily clean 3-5 houses a day. Do the math.
Then many of them are also taking over construction jobs. I personally talk to one last week. At Home Depot, a professional wanted $300.00 to do some installation of new sinks, faucets, etc in my condo. The illegal aliens are charging $150.00 for the same job. The result is that many Americans in construction jobs in my region are pissed. My friend recently bought a new house here in Seattle and we were discussing yesterday the poor quality of finishing, painting, etc. He noted that from talking to people doing his construction work he found out there were illegals, just making less money than Americans probably. This is an example of skilled job being taken by unskilled people. Since they pay no taxes at all, obviously the net gain is high.
Now regarding how illegals get away to buy houses here, I don't know either. When I bought my first condo, Washington Mutual wanted 10% downpayment. I was on H1B.
I just know a fellow who I am sure it is illegally here (from my wife's church) was very happy 2 weeks ago he bought a $600K house, 100% financing. It is true he got higher interest rates. He is gladly paying $3,700/month for his house, but he is making a pile of money.
Also, there are other things that is making this country a sanctuary for illegal aliens. People are coming here, still married in Latin America, but show up here and both illegals get married again with a new partner. I know a case of illegal aliens preparing a huge wedding party and just having fun. America is the sanctuary for the out of law now. By legalizing this people and extending the red carpet, expect 20 million already here to bring their relatives who most likely have the same socialist agenda and make here a replica of Latin America. If one thinks that is a good thing, my question is going to be instaneous:try to move there and see it by yourself.
techy2468 said:
i dont know how many of the illegals rea making 7000-12000/per month.........since most of them are unskilled (only few of them are blue collar...which still means $15-20/hr...if they work for someone else).....i can imagine if some one owns an enterprise to be making that kind of money....