What\'s the secret of getting through to IIO?


Registered Users (C)
I have tried to call IIO for two days and the line is forever busy. But I noticed that many of you have talked to IIOs and some even talked with an IIO while I was dialing on my end. What is the secret to get through to an IIO? Is it timing? Or do I have the wrong number: 802-527-4913? I have a burning question that I need to ask an IIO. Thanks!
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The number is correct, the "secret" is to call early in the morning and to hit the redial button repeatedly (sometimes for hours) till you get thru !!!
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U r Right
Retry retry....!!
If you have Good luck you won\'nt be in this situation to call them
It would have been approved in timely manner...:)
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Where in America, or in the world, do you get this kind of crapy services? I can\'t believe it. But I have to call them. Damn!!
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Imagine.. like you there are thousands of people trying to reach IIO at the same time, some just to check up their serious issues and some just to know the status. How will you get the line? I have seen some of my friends hitting the redial button like a maniac for more than 2 hours without even going to rest room. Another friend just filed his I-485 in April 2001 and he keeps dialing almost every week to check on various things like AP, EAD, and even asking the IIO to guestimate his approval date !!!!

At this rate, even if INS creates a web site to check individual status, the server will crash !!!

Why not we start reducing our calls to IIO. We will call only when there is a serous issue or delay beyond 300 days.
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What the hell is wrong with U Charlee baaba? It seems my earlier message could not straightened U out. I don\'t know what is your problem. I\'m sure U ARE THE MOST NASTIEST PERSON among your family and friends, are\'nt U? All the time, U like to criticize. Why are U concerned so much about INS webserver? Instead of sympathizing with all the poor fellows trying to get info on the cases, U are criticizing them. That\'s bad asshole. Now do U get it or night. Next time, what I will write will be worst, so better correct yrself.
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What charlee is saying makes sense. That fellow who filed in April 2001 is asking for guesstimates from the IIO. This would piss him/her off and the next sincere person would have a bad experience. And fellows like u come back and crib for that. So before u begin bad mouthing THINK. I have seen your postings earlier as well but apparently could not hold back this time caz of the lingo. What charlee said may not be right completely but ur straightening up wording isn\'t right either.
Now do u justify someone\'s ND of APril 01 calling before u got a approval every week.
Someone who has a genuine case will suffer due to the thoughtlessness of certain people (late filers) who very well know what date is being processed and get the approvals from this board as well but still wanna hear from the horse\'s mouth and that too once every week.
Unless u wanna pick up a fight which I am always ready, think about this situation that I mentioned.
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I totally agree. The call center at INS can handle only so many calls. Why call unless it is critical or urgent? As far as "Only in America" is concerned, I know INS is notoriously slow and sometimes disorganized like most government organizations but it\'s nothing compared to the experiences you can have in some of the third world countries!! The system may be slow but it works people - have patience.
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I agree with Charlee....The more you call them and annoy the hell out of them, the more life gets hard for everyone else.
Checking the status of your case all the time is not going to help.
It is human to be anxious, but we do have to chill sometimes.
If we wonder why rules and regulations keep getting harder, it is because of those individuals who exploit them.
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Smartypant, why would I mess with you. I just can\'t stand this Charlie guy. He thinks that he can jump on anyone without any problem. Well, he needs to be treated accordingly. BTW, U mentioned about my previous mails. I bet U can\'t find even a single one that sounds arrogant or rude to anyone but Charlie. May I ask, if U were looking at my mails so carefully, how come U missed your beloved Char lee\'s mails which are damn rude.
I don\'t agree with Charlie when he says someone with ND April 01 was checking the status on his case. He was simply trying to create a scenario where some people (like U) can trust him. I agree with you that people with genuine case suffer if everyone starts calling on IIOs but let me tell you 9 out of 10 people calling IIOs have genuine concerns otherwise nobody wants to take a hassle of re-dialing for hrs just to get hold of an II. Its the waste of time more than money. The problem I\'ve with Charlie boy is that in his previous mails he was very sarcastic about people posting their ND,ID and Case numbers under one common threads. Today, I see one more rude mail from him so I replied accordingly. Hope this explanation opens up your eyes.
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If you want to be a real winner, have some patience.

Using a bad language doesn\'t justify any of your ideas or acts. I am not an authority to stop any of our friends calling IIO. I only said too much crowd that too unnecessary calls are to be avoided. DO you feel happy when you deal with a mob? I think you can perform well when left in peace. If there is any problem, yes, you can always call the IIO. You dont need to believe me. I am confident of what I am speaking.

Personal abuses in this public forum is really bad.Dont show your frustration on me. Your bad language is a true reflection of your filthy mindset. One day you will change for good.
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Hai, you are not dealing with thousands, perhaps 100 thousands. INS (totally) has 15 millions GC cases pending. Guess how many calls IIOs...
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Well, I think being obnoxious & rude to people is one of your personality traits. I just can\'t be even with someone who messes with me. I regret that I had to use such a language to deal with a person like you but I just could\'nt tolerate the way you criticize people. Are U the one who pays for maintenance of INS webserver? Why are U so damn concerned about IIOs. I understand IIOs are overwhelmed with calls but this does not mean that U should blame people for placing calls to VSC.
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Guys .. let\'s not get at each others throats here. Each one has the right to state his/her opinion. But let us not get nasty and call each other names. By the same right, I believe that each has the right to call to find out about his/her case irrespective of when their case was filed. But, I say that we should not call every day .. once in two weeks seems like a good interval to call at. Check the AVM at night, each night, if need be. The INS probably replies with more professionalism if the attorneys call. Imagine if attorneys are not able to get thru becoz we all keep the lines busy !!