What letters cana GC holder receive from Social Security Administration?


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I am a GC holder currently living abroad with a Reentry Permit. When I got my GC 2 years ago I received my Social Security card as well - all to my US address. Haven't received anything else from the Social Security administration until a couple of weeks ago. 2 weeks ago I was notified that a letter from Social Sec. Admin arrived in my name, but then the letter was lost. I don't claim any benefits and never have, neither have I worked in the US since becoming a PR. I'm not sure what the letter may have been about. Can somebody please give me some idea based on their experience with Social Security Administration? Perhaps I should call them, quote my SSN and ask in case the letter was about something serious?
Social Security sends out an annual mailer describing what your benefits will be at retirement. This is sent out 3-4 months before your birthday. I have missed it once due to a move, but usually they are very good in finding out your address. Since you have not worked ... it is unlikely you have benefits, and it might be something else, but this is the best I can think of.