'what kind of hard evidence INS require


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Thank you jw1951!
Actually, I am asking in case if I go for an Asylum interview,all I can provide INS officials is the current country situation, my stay oversea for more than 3 year and never go back to own country due to the fear. I do not have any papers such as court decisions from own country to serve as the hard evidence to prove I am in real asylum situation. WIthout these kind of hard evidence, will INS officials believe my situation? Or, what kind of other things I can do to maximize my creditability as an Asylum status?
Thank you again!
You need to retain a lawyer experienced in asylum matters to evaluate your situation and advise you accordingly. Good luck.
Yes, Gilbert is right. You have to make a legal argument to win an asylum case. My case was won easily because my lawyer and me made such compelling argument that there was no way the asylum officer could turn me down.

If he did turn me down he would look like a fool because the evidence was overwhelming. You need to have a solid case to be granted. .

Good luck.