Registered Users (C)
I got this info from USCIS News Letter.HAT DOES IT MEAN?? IS IT A PROGRESS??
Date Number of Backlog Cases
July 1,129,708
August 999,220
September 1,003,869
October 1,004,849
November 963,671
The USCIS backlog decreased by approximately 40,000 applications in November, 2005. The decrease in the backlog was concentrated among the three major form types: N-400, I-485, and I-130. A primary reason for the decrease was an inventory conducted at Eastern Region offices, which revealed that pending counts for such cases had been overstated. However, a backlog has redeveloped for Form I-821 TPS in the amount of nearly 44,000 cases. Overall, the backlog continues to represent 27% of the total pending cases. Although nearly 124,000 more cases were completed than received during November 2005, completions were nearly identical to October 2005 figures and were 9.2% short of the FY 2006 monthly Backlog Elimination Plan completions goal. Overall receipts in November '05 decreased by 15% from the preceding month. Receipts generally dropped across all the application types with Form I-485 Regular and Form N-400 experiencing drops of 25% and 11%, respectively.
Date Number of Backlog Cases
July 1,129,708
August 999,220
September 1,003,869
October 1,004,849
November 963,671
The USCIS backlog decreased by approximately 40,000 applications in November, 2005. The decrease in the backlog was concentrated among the three major form types: N-400, I-485, and I-130. A primary reason for the decrease was an inventory conducted at Eastern Region offices, which revealed that pending counts for such cases had been overstated. However, a backlog has redeveloped for Form I-821 TPS in the amount of nearly 44,000 cases. Overall, the backlog continues to represent 27% of the total pending cases. Although nearly 124,000 more cases were completed than received during November 2005, completions were nearly identical to October 2005 figures and were 9.2% short of the FY 2006 monthly Backlog Elimination Plan completions goal. Overall receipts in November '05 decreased by 15% from the preceding month. Receipts generally dropped across all the application types with Form I-485 Regular and Form N-400 experiencing drops of 25% and 11%, respectively.