What is the procedure to remove representative(lawyer/agent) ?


Registered Users (C)
One of my friend(applicant) applied for Canada Immigration last year through Canada based firm.

But he is not satisfied with their services. Applicant stays in India. One year is passed after applied. So, Medical papers will be received in 1 year or so from now. But Canada firm is not reponding properly.

What is the procedure to remove 'Canada based firm' between applicant and Canadian embassy ? I mean, How to remove representative ??

I visited: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pub/represent.html

Please give your feed back. Is there any harm in removing representative ? Can representative spoil/harm the case ? Is there any way, he can get the filled application's photocopy ?

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removing lawyer

You can remove a lawyer by:
1) Filling a form called the 'information release document' - the name may be a different, however it is available on the website. All you have to do is fill that form and fax + mail it to the relevant CIC office AND update the mailing iformation through the webstie. It is really important to make sure that they update the mailing info 'cos, in my case, even after 6 months-they hadn't.
Also, be polite when you tell your lawyer that you will not be requiring their services. You can never trust these guys.