What is the last date to accept Traditional/RIR labor


Registered Users (C)
What is the last date to accept traditional/RIR labors by SWA?? Because PERM is starting from March 28th.

Your comments/replies on this is appreciated.

As long as they say it is time...

There is no limit specified I think, you shld probably file before March/April timeframe...before PERM becomes active.

Just file one dummy just in case to get that priority date and live here as long as you want earn some money and leave...when it is not suitable to live..

The whole GC process is becoming a big farce..


US_LABOR said:
What is the last date to accept traditional/RIR labors by SWA?? Because PERM is starting from March 28th.

Your comments/replies on this is appreciated.

Since March 28, 2005 is PERM's effective date, you can not able to file regular LC after that. Give yourself a week of buffer plus a week for mailing, but as far as your application reached before March 28, you should be fine I guess.