What is my legal Status and Nationality?


Registered Users (C)
I passed the naturalization interview on 2/8/2011 and the oath ceremony is scheduled for 3/7/2011. In the meantime, today I received a letter for Jury Duty from Court. My understanding is that until Oath Ceremony I am not a US Citizen and hence should mark “No” for the question “Are you a citizen of the United States?” and send a photocopy of my Green Card.

Please confirm that my assumption is correct.
I passed the naturalization interview on 2/8/2011 and the oath ceremony is scheduled for 3/7/2011. In the meantime, today I received a letter for Jury Duty from Court. My understanding is that until Oath Ceremony I am not a US Citizen and hence should mark “No” for the question “Are you a citizen of the United States?” and send a photocopy of my Green Card.

Please confirm that my assumption is correct.

your understanding is correct and my wife had the similar situation and she marked "NO" and printed the A#