What is my chance for NIW?


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Hi, all
I am trying to apply to NIW category.what is my chance to be granted for NIW? here is my credentials. please give me your thought.

1. Ph.D in X university in US, MS and BS in my home country
2. 10 papers, 5 first authorship and 5 co-authorship, total citation 250.
3. 2 scientific membership ( easy to join by paying membership fee)
4. 1 international conference talk, 4 posters/abstracts
5. 8 recommendation letters (2 is dependent, 6 is independent letters)
6. 1 book chapter was submitted, 3 manuscripts are being prepared
7. 1 scholarly travel award from my PhD department

no judging or reviewing experiences so far,

Please give me your honest thought about what are the chances for NIW.
Contact some journal editors and review several papers (may be about five) and you'll have strong chances. Which USCIS center you belong to?

Reviewing papers should be the easiest part. Journals don't have to be very selective.
Contact some journal editors and review several papers (may be about five) and you'll have strong chances. Which USCIS center you belong to?

Reviewing papers should be the easiest part. Journals don't have to be very selective.

thanks for your response.
That is my concerns for my application. I do not have any experience of reviewing papers although I have some but not officially. I'll try to contact editors of journal that is related to my field.
is that routine way to get a chance to review by contacting editor of journal?

by the way, I will submit my petition to Texas.
I agree with alex09,
With some journal review, you increase your chances a lot.
I would start from the same journals that i'd submitted before.
I would say you satisfy scholarly authorship and contribution to the field, and reviewing would get the third one (judge of works of others).

good luck.
is that routine way to get a chance to review by contacting editor of journal?

by the way, I will submit my petition to Texas.

Just write them email introducing yourself and stating your interest in reviweing papers to get broader and deeper knowledge in your field etc...

The more selective the journal, the more difficult and time consuming to get papers assigned to you. For NIW it doesn't matter much how selective the journals are.

Since you will submit to Texas Center, if you can complete reviewing several papers in the next couple months, it will be good. Texas Center currently processes really fast and you'll have good chances of getting your petition approved.

Mine got approved in seven weeks (Texas also).

Also, it is good idea to start working on reco letters ASAP. Try to get letters from people who are diverse geographically (from at least three distant states). This is important as you're claiming nationwide interest.
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I had less than you and mine got approved just fine in less than 6 weeks. Bottom line is, how your information is packaged and have some faith in it.