What is IIO and how to check


Registered Users (C)

In this form many people talking about IIO. what is IIO and how to check it, please help.



IIO is a human being, works for INS customer Service.
If you have to find out more than what you see as your online status about U'r case, then Call IIO.

802-527-4913 for VSC .

Hope this helps

Hi Ananda,

IIO is a highly endangered species. But due to concerted efforts by George W. B., this species is slowly flourishing, especially in 4 pockets of US, namely Vermont, Nebraska, Texas and California.

Don't even think about checking one, as it's highly dangerous and one bite or sting can result in a loss of sanity.

Jokes aside, IIO is Immigration Information Officer, people who answer your Immigration questions, IF you can get through them and if they are in a good mood.


Originally posted by Ananda1

In this form many people talking about IIO. what is IIO and how to check it, please help.


Immigration information officer

IIO is someone who can't give you anything that you don't know already.
if IIO feels like it, he/she can mislead you about status of your case, mess up your RD with your ND and that's about it.
i wish people would stop calling IIOs and then all of them will get better jobs and INS will have more money to do what they need to be doing.