What is going on with 485 approvals lately?


Registered Users (C)
We have seen only a couple of approvals in the last 2-3 weeks. I know we were all hopeful to see even June approvals by mid-Feb... at this rate, it is anybody\'s guess. Anyone talked to VSC lately has any insight into this slowness?
I will be SO happy if

the VSC can finish up all the March,April cases by the end of this month.
Hi El Liu

I saw that you posted, you know a place in China town where they take immigration pictures? Can you pls. give me the name or phone number or address . Thanks in Advance.
No Title

I dont\' think they will finish April cases by this month. In fact, VSC hasn\'t picked up a single April case. Wonder what they are doing latetly. Anybody spoke with an IIO in the past few days?
Why don\'t you just go to Boston INS to take the pictures? No queue there. $10 for two.
