What if I refuse to submit the application fee to USCIS


Registered Users (C)
What if I refuse to submit the application fee to USCIS? will they return my application package back and reject the case? or keep the package while sending me bills and forward to collection agency? and/or report to credit bureau? or even legal action?
anybody knows? thanks a lot.
I hope it is rejected and send me back the package, but

the instruction on the back of the bill says they may report credit bureaus.
After 180 days, the debt will go to dept. of treasury ,actions like wage garnish, name and ID may be published, and/or the debt may be sold to a 3rd party.

anybody has such experience?
bascially, if the package is returned to me, it will be inappropriate for them to collect the application fee and penalty again. since the case is rejected.
Actually, they did not return the package to me, but mailed me a notice to pay +$30 returned check fee and request me submit $425 in total.
it is mailed by USCIS-debt managment.
really crazy.
You must have submitted a check with your original package, and it was bounced back when USCIS tried to cash it. The $30 fee is for the bounced check charged by the bank. So it is your debt, and USCIS may choose to take actions like reporting to credit bureaus or even using collection agency - normal stuff.

As to the $425 application fee, if you no longer wish to continue the case, just send them a request for withdrawal. There is no point to mess around.

If you didn't enclose a check in the first place, or the payment amount wasn't enough for the application, USCIS would have rejected it in a heart beat.
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Thank you all.
If I write to them and request to stop/cancel this case, do I still need to pay $425 ?