What have you done Oct2000


Registered Users (C)
Sorry for this, but you have added lot of confusion on this board. First you were absent for some days and then you have started congratulating all the approvals at the same time.

All the approvals discussions came on top even the ones which are a week old. This has added to confusion for user like me after seeing so many approvals all in together. I have to check one by one all of them to see which one are more recent.

Also some of the important discussions have gone down which will be less noticed.

Once again I know you are a very important member on this board, but can you just look into this in near future.

Thanks in Advance
You are asking too much !!

Do you pay him ? He/She is doing it out of her/his own heart\'s
goodness...why don\'t you do it if you are so concerned about it !!
You are asking too much!!

I think you have not read my mail properly. I am not against congratulating anybody, but it should be done at a appropriate time.

What if I start going through the approvals for the last two months and start congratulating them. You will see all those discussions on top which have no meaning now. This will affect the recent discussions of which people are interested.

Try to understand, what I actually meant. And as I have already said OCT2000 is doing a very good job and I am not against it.

Once again Sorry, if this has caused any ill feelings.
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I am sorry for the messup I caused. Why I have updated all these approval postings, there are other people besides me are helping in updating the tracker. If any one sees my post they don\'t touch it, this is just a indication that I have either updated their record or added a brand new record for the VSC Tracker.

Once again thank you for your cooperation in making the VSC Tracker a big successful!
