What happened to flood of approvals

today is Sep 30. Even if Oct 1 is the start, it takes time for them to approve a case, I will say wait till next week.
Are you nuts...If you want to wait.. you wait ..The looser.
We are not entitled to wait any more !

We don't want to wait a single MINUTE any more..

We want
- all the back logs completed by EOB :D TODAY
- Every body must be given Cards by tomorrow morning by FedEx
- We will go at our leisure to get our passports stamped.

This is America ..man.. what are you thinking ..Mr Deng
You are a miserable looser in your entire life.. Grow up.. Catch up with the World.

I agree on what 1amShantanuB meant.
Each one should take an action right now.
Each one can fax the petition with one's signature and home address to two Senators in one's state and one Congressperson in one's district.
DON'T bet on the 'flood' we are hearing about this flood for past 1 year and so far we have seen the draiughts so think negative and hope for approval as too much hopes creates too much anxiety
I think most of us in this forum can hang tough. So there is no need to avoid being optimistic for a change. If the flood does not happen we revert to normal mode. I agree with Dengdeng, by sheer elimination I 485 should get priority now.
We will see some movement in 3rd week

I think our friends in VSC must be tired, stressed and bored after working so hard on those religious cases that had a deadline. They will be celebrating their hard work and praise this week. PROBABLY next week they will start getting in panic mode bcos they have not done anything for 10 days and start picking up S L O W L Y....So my bet is 3 weeks from now !!!

- V
And after 3 week some other cases will take priority and we will be again at the same position.
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The reason why I said it's possible to have flood of approvals soon is back in March, when TPS deadline expired, approvals came in every day. That trend continued for three months. Then in June, back to slow mode. I figured out BCIS is playing three to four months(a quarter) by three/four months tricks, three months for one type of case, three months for another. Since the deadline of religious workers cases is 9/30, we'll see positive changes beginning from Oct. For the nearby furture, it should be brighter.

And they certainly won't let a case sitting there for 2 years. That's way too long. There have been lawsuits against them for delaying cases over 2 years. They don't like lawsuits.

CSC back in July has announced Oct the month they will restart employment cases. NSC did same thing. And recent AILA meeting repeated the same date. That's why I mark Oct 1 down.

75% 485 adjudicators will be back, you calculate the speed. Normally, if you run 100 cases, you should expect to see 10 approvals per day. That's considered normal. And that's what happened in Mar/Apr/May, when most of Nov/Dec cases got approved.
You are all wrong

You guys are all wrong!!!
Effective tomorrow (October 1) the BCIS annual audit starts so we have to wait again. The audit takes about 2 weeks...so Expect the flood of approvals not to happen...instead...expect snow to drop in first before flood arrives.:D
Right, forgot about the audit. But adjudication goes on regardless of audit. Approvals letters will not be sent out though. No letters will be sent out for 1-2 weeks. Glad I did 2nd FP.

I liked your previous post much, much better than the last one :). Hopefully in three weeks we'll see the whole avalanche of approvals, not just the flood :) :)
one would be a fool to guess what bcis is going to do. There won't be any pattern in their working. Even if there is a slight improvement in thier approval rate, it may only be for a short time.
Best thing would be to celebrate if we see more than 10 approval postings / day in this forum, for one complete week. It's better for us to concentrate on how to reach out to our congressmen .
Hope gives optimistic view. I believe, tomorrow is always better. Let's hope for the best. Sooner or later BCIS has to come back to normal speed. There is no harm in thinking that miracles will happen from next week.