what does LIN 02-01x-xxxxx mean ?


Registered Users (C)
Applied 485 in September 2001. But the LIN number on my receipt has "LIN 02-01x-xxxxx....." What does 02 stands for ? Does it represent a year ?

that refers to fiscal year 2002

the next 3 digits represent the day in that fiscal year.
this 031 is the 31st business day in the fiscal year (not 31st in terms of calendar dates,but serial bsiness dates)
Here is My take

LIN stands for Lincoln (Nebraska SC)
02 is the year of the receipt notice.
01* is the 10th to 19th day in the INS year.
If you applied in Sept 2001 then by their terminology you applied between the 10th to 19th day in the INS year 2002.
Thanks Rabi and Sailor..

But I am still trying to understand why didn\'t i get a LIN number starting with 01 instead of 02 since i applied in 2001 ???
