What does it mean?


Registered Users (C)
My wife received the FP notice ( ND 8/01) last week and the online status has been changed to below. Do u guys know what the heck it means?

On February 27, 2003, the document we made based on the approval or registration of this case was mailed directly to the person to whom issued.
We are seeing plenty of such posts lately. For example,


One theory was that the person did their FP during their Canadian immigration 4 years ago. Hence the I485 was approved based on that!! That seems ridiculous!

Now I believe the alternate theory is that the message changes once FP is issued. It did not change for me when my FP was sent. Only after I completed the FP, it changed (to "case has been resumed").
I did my FP Feb 18 and the message has not change yet. I am still hoping for a miracle and God's willing it shall be done. Amen
meaning of message

Meaning of entry in computarised system is nothing. It is a wrong entry.
This entry is designed for Advance Payrole. By mistake it has been put as that of AP approval.

Only meaningful one can make out from this is that they have got the FP result. and your case moving up one notch.

In the base computer, your case will show that they have received approved FBI report.
good luck for a faster approval.
FP is not done yet

Thanks for the reply guys...But the problem is that we just received the FP and are planning to get it done next week!!!

I had the same message posted for our I-485s about a year ago, and they are still there. The only truth i found out is that INS sticked our I-485 src numbers on our AP approval notices. As a result, our I-485 messages had been changed to the one exactly like yours, and our AP messages have not. So what i am trying to say is that did you apply AP (renewal) and got approved recently? That might be the reason.

RD/ND: 02/2002
no FP notice
It may pertain to FP notice

According to my lawer, the online meassage means that the FP was issued. The EAD extn was approved on 3/5 ( ND 10/18/02). Never applied for AP.
Hi my guess is !

Each time when they issue a FP or RFE or Approval they choose a message as status from the list of status available in their system. Sometimes the person who works on your case choose a wrong description which causes the confusion.


One of my friend he did not do Finger Printing, his wife and kid did though. but he got his 485 approved and plastic card issued.
In my case, this very same message has been with my I-485 since last May, but i never received FP notice.

I had the same message after my FP notice was generated. Following the completion of FP and its reception by the INS the message was updated accordingly ("FP received ... resumed processing of your case").

Don't loose your sleep with these messages. As other members have pointed out these doesn't necessarily mean anything. Some gets updated, others not.

