What all can you do with OCI Card


New Member
I am seriously considering taking up OCI Card. I am a software professional in my late 20s and would appreciate your inputs on the following:
1. Can I work anywhere in India (Private sector or Public Sector). Do I need specific work authorization. Is the process same as that for other Indian citizens?

2. Can I own business or do I need authorization.

3. Will I need to file Indian taxes as well as US taxes?

4. Can I buy land, just like other Indian citizens

Any inputs on the above as well as general comments about living and working in India as a US Citizen with OCI card would be greatly appreciated.
Read the info on the consulate and Indian Govt websites, they are excellent resources. All the restrictions and rights are detailed there.

From what I read, you can work anywhere in pvt sector but not in Govt sector, can't buy agri lands, can't vote and can start your own biz.
You will have to pay Indian taxes but most likely will not be making enough to pay US taxes, you will have to file your tax returns with IRS in any case.
It takes a little time to adjust just like it happened to most when they 1st moved to the US.