What a Joke! Don't Vote Republican


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Four weeks after I made an inquiry to our Congressional offices (two Senators and a Congressman), I got this message from one of them:

June 2, 2004
Dear Ms. Sumata:

In response to my inquiry on your behalf, officials from the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (BCIS) stated that your I-485 was receipted on march 2, 2002. BCIS is currently processing cases filed prior to March 1, 2002. I am pleased that my Regional Representative, Christy Cuerdy, was able to assist you in getting this information.

Please feel free to contact me with any future federal concerns.

John Ensign
United States Senator


(i) It's no longer called BCIS. Now it is USCIS;
(ii) "receipted" is not a word;
(iii) My "receipt date" is incorrect;
(iv) This information is publicly available and I don't need this dim wit's help in obtaining it.
(v) Two days after they sent me the letter and the day I received the letter, the CSC changed its JIT date to April 15, 2002. My RD is late February and ND is the first week March, but my case is last updated in December 2002. I have not received even a 2nd FP notice.

(v) Are you really please Senator Ensign that your Regional Representative is a moron who doesn't know what she is doing?


By the way, is this the level of congressional services you get in your state? Is it just a Nevada problem? The news of JIT change brightened up my day, but this stupid letter spolied it.
Yes, most of the Republicans have allergy from immigrants (unless your are mowing their lawn and getting $5 per hour). But not all the Republican congressmen/owmen are joke. See this thread:
Here, from various threads in last two months I realized our Democrat congressmen Pete Stark is not helping Fremont city/Alameda country applicants either (he is more concerned about he security issues of United States).
"What a Joke! Don't Vote Republican"

Vote? We can't even get Permanent Residency yet, and then we still have to wait years before we can apply for Citizenship and the right to vote!
It is not about being republican or democrat in my opinion.
Most of the country thinks immigration is an evil. And politicians irrespective of party lines and their own personal philosopies are finally representatives of the same people and owe their office to them.
We can argue whether immigration is an evil or not. We can argue whether politicians should rise above populist policies and do what is right for the nation.
But for now immigrants are just part of vote bank politics and it would take politicians of a stiffer spine to take up immigrant causes. Republicans dont hide their disdain for immigrants while democrats only ay lip service to the cause
wik said:
"What a Joke! Don't Vote Republican"

Vote? We can't even get Permanent Residency yet, and then we still have to wait years before we can apply for Citizenship and the right to vote!

Test your congressman/senator and decide whether you want to vote for him/her five years after getting GC. Every dog has its day.
greenback said:
It is not about being republican or democrat in my opinion.
Most of the country thinks immigration is an evil. And politicians irrespective of party lines and their own personal philosopies are finally representatives of the same people and owe their office to them.
We can argue whether immigration is an evil or not. We can argue whether politicians should rise above populist policies and do what is right for the nation.
But for now immigrants are just part of vote bank politics and it would take politicians of a stiffer spine to take up immigrant causes. Republicans dont hide their disdain for immigrants while democrats only ay lip service to the cause

I agree partially. Yes, most of the people in USA think immigration is bad. But the fact is that 99% of the world countries don't even welcome immigrants. Atleast here they welcome - one way or another. And vote bank politics - that's part of democracy. So it's important how much you take part in it. And I don't think most of the Republicans are anti-immigrant. They know that they need immigrants to move American economic wheel. But the problem is that they want immigrant to live underpriviledged, underpaid, no-social-benefits, "go-away-when-we-donot-need-you-anymore". And current administration's scare tactics is not helping immigrants either.
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pralay said:
I agree partially. Yes, most of the people in USA think immigration is bad.

But many folks in the USA seem to lose sight of the fact that there are PLENTY of Americans overseas or who want to go overseas! Immigration is not a one way thing... I have lived in Europe and SE Asia and met many 'local' Americans in my travels. Few discussions on immigration seems to reference the fact that it is a two way process. The trouble is that some people don't take the time to distinguish between legal, business-related or humanitarian immigration, and illegal immigration or opportunists (i.e., Visa overstayers, etc.) :mad:
For most Americans, travelling abroad is to visit the nearby state. Our dear President George Bush, had not been abroad until he became a President and HAD to visit other countries on diplomatic missions. :)

So there isn't likely to be any understanding of the immigrants plight on a broad scale and after seeing American tourists in Europe (who get really mad that the local people don't speak "American"), even those that travel abroad are not that much better at being compassionate.
I don't think any of us would vote for GOP anyway; we are highly educated people with a healthy head on our necks, we know better, I think.
Take a look at people you know who are GOP voters and who declare themselves publicly as such.... know what I mean? 90% morons, right?