

Registered Users (C)
I would like to warn all of you that Immigration Voice is not spending their funds appropriately. These people are con artists and they are stealing our money. They do not declare any financial reports and keep asking people for donation. If you have already donated or signed up for recurring donation please cancel ASAP.

Please do not donate and support this organization.

You are all warned!
Sand_999 said:
I would like to warn all of you that Immigration Voice is not spending their funds appropriately. These people are con artists and they are stealing our money. They do not declare any financial reports and keep asking people for donation. If you have already donated or signed up for recurring donation please cancel ASAP.

Please do not donate and support this organization.

You are all warned!

Why do u say that? what proof do u have? Just because u say so?
Think we are idiots? IV has submitted financial docs to IRS and got the non profit status. Also affiliated with many other reputed organizations. Maybe u belong to one of those anti-immigrants groups. go back.
Maybe you should go back to spamming the forums with free iPod ads. Propaganda is not your cup of tea and you suck at it.
I have proof..

First of all let me ask you a question - Have you seen their Financial reports?

I asked them to post their financial reports twice on their forum and my post got deleted. If they were honest, why would they delete the post. Have some commonsense. If you want to waste money, please do so.

Sand_999 said:
First of all let me ask you a question - Have you seen their Financial reports?

I asked them to post their financial reports twice on their forum and my post got deleted. If they were honest, why would they delete the post. Have some commonsense. If you want to waste money, please do so.


Have u ever joined one of their calls? they explained the financial information on it. I don't expect them to disclose all the financial info on the website.

BTW what have you done for the retrogression? what is your plan?

If someone is doing something, for once, try to support them. If you don't like the way they are doing things, then join the core group as a volunteer, and then you can do they way you want things done. It is very easy to point fingers at others.
No one is perfect and this is a volunteer organization just over a year older. Things will evolve and get better over time. For now, be supportive.
Stop your nonsense right away, you are are screwing with people's lives.