Want to know why NSC is so slow ... read on !


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I found this paragraph in a report about an NSC open house. It is quite instructive. It is dated June 28th 2006 so it is fairly recent.

New building is located within close proximity to the airport. It is referred to as the Highlands Building (because it’s on Highlands Street). The former building is referred to as the Star Building (for no apparent reason other than that there are stars on the outside of the building!) While Federal employees have moved to the Highlands Building now (as of March 2006) many of the contract workers still work in the Star Building. The new facility is quite a bit larger than the old facility, designed to have an “aeronautic feel” and is quite attractive. High security (alarms kept going off around us), lots of glass (frosted of course), lots of cubicles on the second floor. The first floor is conference rooms, customer service, loading docks, etc. Second floor is where the work gets done. Surprisingly few people seemed to be working there, though we were told that they have the opportunity to work at home (WAH signs were posted at many desks, indicating that officers were working at home that day). Hours are flexible too – employees may work any time between 6am and 9pm.

Mail is still received at the Star Building (appropriate as it is literally across the street from the post office). My understanding is that it is opened there and sorted, applications are cashiered and then transported to the Highlands Building for review. Storage is also at the Star Building still and will remain there (thus enabling the NSC to vacate it’s Lincoln warehouse facility where it had had to store files). Storage is also at the downtown Federal Building (and in the Highlands building itself, though there sure didn’t seem to be any where near the number of files I expected!) NSC processes close to a million files / year! Because mail is still received here, the mailing address will not change. We were asked to not make note of the new Highlands Building address for this reason – sending anything there will only slow its process to an adjudicator’s desk.

Here is the link