Want to know when is your turn?


Registered Users (C)

  Just\'ve done a little research based on rupnet data. Like to share my result with you.
  The following is a table of approval time vs # of people for July/2001 Vermont filers:


       March 54
       April 67
       May 74

  Now in Vermont, there are still about 1/3 of 7/2001 filers waiting for their approvals. Meanwhile, we have about 200 Aug/2001 filers waiting for good news. So you guys can figure out when is your turn.
See this: According to the posted information in 3 to 4 sites, mainly here

Month----------- March----April----May

For July 01 RD : 75 --- 111 --- 138 approvals came up
I guess still around 150 July RD cases might be pending.

But for Aug 01 RD: there are still 337 cases pending. With some 20 approvals posted

No one knows when one\'s turn will come. Best thing is to check AVM once in a week and keep good hope, job and faith in god.

Good luck.
can you please tell me rupnet website address. I am new to I-485 forum??

can you please tell me rupnet website address??. I am new to I-485 forum. one week back I filed my I-485.
To get idea how the process going on..
Your results are wrong

rupnet was built when many 6/01 cases have been aproved.
Those guy didn\'t report their cases in Rupnet. So only
those data starting with 7/01 are good.