Wake up VSC


Registered Users (C)
VSC is in deep sleep. Lazy guys are just passing the days and getting paid for not doing any thing. Of course, current administration loves inaction of BCIS. We are in thousands and waiting at the door steps of the office for years. Senators and Congress Men take care of their citizens but not prospective immigrants.

Most of us living around Vermont and not a problem to reach immigration office on one weekend. I would like to propose third (20) or fourth (27) Saturday of September to meet in front of VSC and blow horn three times (no more than three times) and disperse to homes. No violation of rules or no nonsense but reveal our frustration to VSC. I believe local press will pay attention to thousands of our vehicles and report our plight. Things may move in a better direction with our action otherwise also we do not loose anything. At least sound of horns may wake up these sleeping personnel or responsible public representatives.

This gathering may bring some solidarity or brotherhood among various ethnic groups. We can make it a fun weekend gathering.

What do you think?
you are wasting your time.
VSC people seems do not even come on weekdays, how would you expect them to listen to your horns on weekends.:eek:
Blow Horns Three Times

I think GC0406 has proposed a good idea. My only concern
is that they will get annoyed and drop our cases altogether
for harrassing them.

But if there are a decent number of people, I'll definitely join.

BTW, a weekday is a better time to let the VSC people hear
the horns, not weekend.


RD: 10/9/2001
ND: 11/24/2001
1st FP: 1/22/2002
2nd FP: 6/6/2003
that is good idea i think. Even thou VSC is closed on weekend media will be working on weekend whcih communicate to VSC that "Something happened on the weekend...to wake us". Whatever they do should not be in harsh manner but it should be like a polite manner.... something like "giving the home keys to a thief" or something like "Jone of arch story: giving food to blah blah..." you know what i mean. I beleive good way of approach can change any thing...
just a suggestion
I think you can organize some ppl to talk to VSC, and see what's going on. I don't think blow horns is going to solve the problem.
no blowing horns is very bad idea I agree. As a good gesture, I recommend drop a flower or flowers (if affordable) at VSC (only as a good gesture of the tremendous work they are doing for us as a token of appreciation. (Which in realty everyone knows how much they care for us)
hey, yudister, that's a very good idea. We can buy some flowers and gifts, put in front of their gate, with the card attached, "
please clean the backlog of employee based 485 petition".
"Give back our lives". "we're waiting".....

Those employees will find it out and they will feel shame of themselves and start working hard.

That's a good idea. :)
Caution: Blowing the horn may result in making the VSC guys deaf. Then they won't be able to listen to your requests anymore! :D

Instead, Blow the horn into your local senator's ears. He may in turn be able to amplify the noise and blow your file off the VSC shelf and into the hands of a sincere officer, if there is one.
What are we trying to accomplish here - wake up VSC or get media attention. Unless VSC employees get it from top, I don't think they would care about reduing the backlogs. Backlog reduction petition is a good thing to do.

There are different ways of getting media attention - by holding banners, by writing to different radio and TV stations etc.
frantic, it's not to get media attention, but get VSC officers attention, let them feel warm and feel respected. So they can get back to work
Originally posted by dengdeng
I bet media will cover it.

The media couldn't care less. Certainly, a news of flowers at the VSC isn't as appealing as going through Kobe Bryant's dirty laundry.. Only if a service center makes another gaffe like approving a terrorist's petition, will the media pay any attention..

When was the last time the backlogs were mentioned in the press or on TV (except for the 15 mins of ill-fame for the CSC contractor-turned-shredder)?
Let us do something

I am glad some people are paying attention to my proposal. Petitions are dumped in dustbins or being used as tissue papers in rest rooms. Let us reveal our frustration in a proper way. We are good law binding people of this country, paying thousands of dollars to social security, Medicare even though, right now, we are not eligible for benefits. If you feel blowing horn may not be good idea we can put flower wreath in front of VSC. Certainly, weekend event gets attention of higher authorities on the following working day. How can they ignore the rally of hundreds of cars? I prefer to put flowers in front of the office by us rather sending through a messenger. Let us do something guys - what we loose - few gallons of gas and a day. What we gain may be speed up of work or statues quo.