Wake Up Moderators & Operations


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It is so frustrating to see people fighting here for non-immigration issues. They are misusing all the valuable resources of this wonderful site. I don't understand why moderators are not doing anything about that.
For example, the thread "Zapaddam Vs PalaniappanRajaram Vs waytoolong" has 130 replies and "Happy Ganesh Chaturthi" has 145 replies. These threads are comparitively taking huge disk storage and bandwidth. No other immigration related thread has so many replies.
Please, delete all those threads and ban all the users. Please, bring this to the attention of Mr. Rajiv.
I don't have any problems with people having their opinions on any issues. But this is not the right platform to debate.

Please delete these treads or move them elsewhere.

Originally posted by sanrishi

It is so frustrating to see people fighting here for non-immigration issues. They are misusing all the valuable resources of this wonderful site. I don't understand why moderators are not doing anything about that.
For example, the thread "Zapaddam Vs PalaniappanRajaram Vs waytoolong" has 130 replies and "Happy Ganesh Chaturthi" has 145 replies. These threads are comparitively taking huge disk storage and bandwidth. No other immigration related thread has so many replies.
Please, delete all those threads and ban all the users. Please, bring this to the attention of Mr. Rajiv.
Delete those Threads

I was forced to post some postings in those threads because of certain offensive remarks by some users. It will be really good if either the creators of these threads(london123 and pingpong) or the moderators delete these threads and ask people to strictly limit themselves to immigration issues.
Originally posted by manumahi
I agree with you guys. We need strict policy regarding non immigration related matter.

I totally agree. Let us concentrate on the Petition. There are a lot of other places for this kind of discussion..

one or two threads are okay. Sometimes you just want to vent and you can take it out on people with oppsite views. Its just a source of entertainment. Its frustrating when people start threads aimed at one person just because they want some attention. There are a lot of people who will start threads to start fights. Its okay. Its frustrating only when there are more debate threads than actual immi stuff. If you dont like the fighting, why open the thread? But yea if someone clogs the board, he has to go ( I dont think any girl would do that).

So take it easy. This is like SPAM. People are making a big deal out of spam as if that is killing them. I mean you can easily tell mails that u dont want. It takes 2 minutes to clear it out. But people make it look like the crime of the century and spend millions on it.
Agree with patienceGC, what else do you do when there is no activity from BCIS. This is one of the only forums people visit. For me it is like I have a lot of friends here to share my views.

I have learnt a lot from participating in what some people perceive as junk discussions. Why do you think it takes a lot of space? 2000 characters is what 2KB, which is very very cheap these days.

I agree with you all. Also, if we can restrain ourselves not to reply, eventhough it is offensive to us, these good-for-nothing posts will slowly start fade away. Last year one guy used to post anti-national posts and most of the people decided to ignore him and now he is not even getting into this site.

Moral: If the dog is barking, don't pay attention. It will stop when it runs out of saliva.
I agree with patiencegc

I think we shoud have some fun threads also. When there is no activity from BCIS and we get frustrated, these threads will let us know how other people are managing their tensions and issues. Probably that will help someone take a better perspective of life.
I think this is the first time I'm replying to the controversial issues.
It would be fine if there is one or two thread for non-immigration issues. We can use one thread for fun and another thread for debate, so that we won't spoil other threads. Also we are group of frustrated people, so we need some break.

C'mon guys, We all are visiting this site during business hours which is obviously not appropriate, So How can we preach just few to adhere to immigration issues ?????
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Originally posted by cinta
I totally agree. Let us concentrate on the Petition. There are a lot of other places for this kind of discussion..

Hey guys everybody is right. After all this is a controlled forum and if it O.K. from operations/moderators go ahead and create all fun threads one wishes.

WHAT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE (to my opinion) is having a serious problem (Backlogs) that only very few people seem to bother and keep working on it. It seems the rest gave up either intentionally or unintentionally, with the hope that the very few will carry all the weight. I urge all to get involved and DO SOMETHING! At times it looks like Edison is the only fighter and the rest try to have fun on the sidelines. Do your fair share and you can have fun at the same time or later. This is what bothers me. Get seriously involved to help move OUR problem first. dengdeng had a thread for volunteers...how many people replied?
Here are some of the activities you could do.

1: research Government agencies for sending our petition (maybe modified version). For example Congress/Senate, Judiciary commitee, etc.
2: research influential papers (editors)where we could send a modified version of our petition and/or get press releases. this includes ethnic media.
3: research other possible web petition sites to possibly carry our petition at the same time.
4: research the Ombudsman office evolution and addresses.
5: research possible TV/radio contacts.
6: OTHER...make your own suggestions

Originally posted by Raj Chandra
I agree with you all. Also, if we can restrain ourselves not to reply, eventhough it is offensive to us, these good-for-nothing posts will slowly start fade away. Last year one guy used to post anti-national posts and most of the people decided to ignore him and now he is not even getting into this site.

Moral: If the dog is barking, don't pay attention. It will stop when it runs out of saliva.
I am going to follow this. I definitely have more important things to do.
Too much debate and threads

If we debate too much and / or create too many threads and if people start using vulgar language in those threads, then soon people will stop visiting this forum. Just my opinion. It is best for all of us( especially all the people including me, who have posted in the Zapaddam thread and Cow thread) to refrain from intentionally posting anything that hurts a particular group.
Seems Like you didn't see the following :

Originally posted by Zapaddam
My sincere apologies to you if I hurt your feelings in anyway. You don't know how much patiently I listen when my Telgu friends speak in Hyderabdi Hindi, It sounds so yummy !!!!

I think we are all begining to see the real culprit here who divides us based on region and langauge, who lumps and deleberately often uses the word "south Indians" to protect himself moreso than anything else and playing some dirty and cheap games. I appeal to my south indian people to find such people and isolate them. Liquidate such people. What i say is not for all south Indians.....what i say is for Prajaram style of hypocrites.
Zapaddam... shhhhhhh Just keep your mouth shut.. :)

Originally posted by Zapaddam
Seems Like you didn't see the following :

Originally posted by Zapaddam
My sincere apologies to you if I hurt your feelings in anyway. You don't know how much patiently I listen when my Telgu friends speak in Hyderabdi Hindi, It sounds so yummy !!!!

I think we are all begining to see the real culprit here who divides us based on region and langauge, who lumps and deleberately often uses the word "south Indians" to protect himself moreso than anything else and playing some dirty and cheap games. I appeal to my south indian people to find such people and isolate them. Liquidate such people. What i say is not for all south Indians.....what i say is for Prajaram style of hypocrites.
Originally posted by Zapaddam
Seems Like you didn't see the following :

Originally posted by Zapaddam
My sincere apologies to you if I hurt your feelings in anyway. You don't know how much patiently I listen when my Telgu friends speak in Hyderabdi Hindi, It sounds so yummy !!!!

I think we are all begining to see the real culprit here who divides us based on region and langauge, who lumps and deleberately often uses the word "south Indians" to protect himself moreso than anything else and playing some dirty and cheap games. I appeal to my south indian people to find such people and isolate them. Liquidate such people. What i say is not for all south Indians.....what i say is for Prajaram style of hypocrites.
I think you misunderstood me. When i said Zapaddam thread, i meant "ZapaddamVs Palaniappan Vs waytoolong" thread. Actually you haven't used any vulgar language in that thread(you have definitely given up your sharabi language). You only had that time wasting fight with Palani. Some other people also had arguments in that thread and some words are definitely not pleasant to many people here.
I appreciate your decision to stop the fighting with Palani. I hope that he will also give up the hostility towards you.
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