Waiting times after RFE recieved?


Registered Users (C)
Good Day everyone,

For those that have responded to RFE's in the last 3 months or so, would you be so kind as to post your RFE dates and received dates.

I recieved a RFE March 11/04, responded April 18th, but no word yet.

My last updated date changed to May 4. I'm hoping thats not when they stuck the application back in the landfill.

I am WAC03128xxxxx, but if I get approved I won't feel to bad about the out of order approval, as I started working on my labor certification early in 1997 :mad:


Status Changed to RFE on March 18, 2004
RFE Responded on April 14, 2004
INS Status changed to Received on April 16, 2004.
Approved on May 5, 2004.

Responded on 4/7/04
Received by USCIS on 4/12/04.
Last touched date 4/13/04
5/27/04 Call from USCIS in response to Level II inquiry saying they were pulling files to give to an officer.

No update in system - no further word.
RFE Replied

WAC 02-094-5xxxx
Got 3 EADs and 3 APs so far.
Finger printed 3 times!(latest one on 15th April, 2004)
RFE issued on March 24th, 2004.
Lawyer from the new company replied back using AC21.
RFE received by USCIS on May 26th 2004.

waiting with hope!

Sorry, I didn't mean to duplicate the RFE tracker. I was mostly interested in people who responded to RFE without getting their approvals yet. Of course we can track RFE to approval with the approvals tracker, but it is pretty tough to tell from the RFE tracker who is approved and who isn't.

I am WAC03017XXXXX ..received 2nd RFE for immunization records..responded in may and INS received RFE on May 25th ....

Waiting with lot of hope :)

What was your RFE about? Did you not do complete medical like me? Please let me know the details of RFE and what you replied with. Thanx
I am WAC03016xxxxx. Got RFE (EVL, tax etc.) for myself in March, reply recv'd on April 6th. Then USCIS issued 2nd FP on May 6th and RFE for wife and kid (copies of 140, don't know why) on May 7th.
Early FP done on May 12, results not updated yet. Reply to dependent RFE recv'd by Galactic HQ on May 27.
Feeling lucky for the first time since started labor in 7/2000 :~)
RFE received by USCIS in mid November 2003.
Lawyer initiated fax enquiry in Feb 2004.
Level II enquiry sent March 2004.
Officer told lawyer (over the phone) that case will be pulled for adjudication (4/08/04).
Last touch date 4/28/04.

No words since...