Waiting for RTD


Registered Users (C)
Hi All,

I applied for an RTD on December 26, 2006 and the noticed date was January 3, 2007. I am planning on travel on April 11 to 25, 2007 but I haven't received the RTD yet. Do you think it would be save to buy the ticket now and wait for my RTD to arrive right before I leave?

Anyone arround my application date has received their RTD yet?

Hi All,

I applied for an RTD on December 26, 2006 and the noticed date was January 3, 2007. I am planning on travel on April 11 to 25, 2007 but I haven't received the RTD yet. Do you think it would be save to buy the ticket now and wait for my RTD to arrive right before I leave?

Anyone arround my application date has received their RTD yet?


I think your RTD may not arrive on time for your trip on April. As of today, their website shows that they are processing application dated on September 06, 2006... almost 6 months. So if we apply a processing time of 5+- 6+- months from yor receipt, that would take you to around mid/late may 2007.

You may want to wait till the USCIS Processing Times website updates again this month, and see what receipt notices are processing at that time, and then, make a decision.

Good luck
Hi All,

I applied for an RTD on December 26, 2006 and the noticed date was January 3, 2007. I am planning on travel on April 11 to 25, 2007 but I haven't received the RTD yet. Do you think it would be save to buy the ticket now and wait for my RTD to arrive right before I leave?

Anyone arround my application date has received their RTD yet?


If you want to make your trip, use your NP. if you don't want to use your NP then write a letter every week and expedite ur RTD.