WAC-02 March, April and MAY filers----- Tracker


Registered Users (C)
WAC-02 Jan, Feb, March, April and May filers----- Tracker

Could you please update on this tracker are there WAC-02 Jan, Feb, March, April and May filers still waiting for 2 FP or Approval.
We will know are they still looking at these old cases or have they forgotten us completely and moved onto new cases.

WAC-02 -172- *****
No 2FP
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if Jan and Feb filers still out there waiting for approval/2FP please update this thread. It is still better if all old WAC-02 filers update this thread. We will have some idea on what is going on with old filers.

Still waiting after 2nd FP


Did my 2nd FP a couple of weeks ago before the scheduled date. I called the USCIS 800 number & my lawyer sent 2 inquiries before I got the 2nd fp notice.

Curiously I cant find my case on the USCIS website any longer; it says ...

Status for this Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in this automated system. Please check your case receipt number to see if it is correct. If you have questions or concerns about your case status, please contact the service center where you submitted your application.

Anybody else with a similar message?
WAC-02 138
March 02 filer
No FP2 yet, no RFE.

After a phone enquiry in June the message changed to "Your application for 485 was received on June 27,2004. ..." Called up again to tell them mine is a 2002 case and the message is incorrect. The message changed to "On ... we responded to your enquiry ... ".

I made sure they had the right postal address and even there they screwed up. I got a mail which confirmed the change of address and it had a wrong address. Again called up to correct it.

No response received yet from FBI regarding namecheck enquiry.
May '02 filer still waiting....

attorney inquiry got a response "File has been assigned to an Officer". Whatever that means? :confused: My inquiries got no response.
replied to RFE


RD: 05/30/2002
ND: 05/31/2002
3EADs, APs
1st FP: 07/13/2002
2nd FP: 07/10/2004
RFE Issued: 08/23/2004 for EVL
RFE replied: 09/10/2004

waiting for approval
junior_member said:

RD: 05/30/2002
ND: 05/31/2002
3EADs, APs
1st FP: 07/13/2002
2nd FP: 07/10/2004
RFE Issued: 08/23/2004 for EVL
RFE replied: 09/10/2004

waiting for approval

You should change your name to senior member now :D
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02-133-xxxx No second FP, wife's second FP done.
Why does not some lawyer file a suit against BCIS for approving cases AFTER the JIT, while thousands,like me, wait almost a year behind the JIT. The lawyer could make millions. I am sure there is grounds based on human sufferring, etc..
Mine is also 02-March case. The lawer sent inquery since the jit pass my case every month without getting any response, but the online status got changed to "...responded the request.." for each inquery. I also did two inquery by my self without responding. INS not only pretends the JIT, but also pretends "responding". It is the most depressed experience in my whole life. The INS can do whatever they like. The point is that we like this, we came here from happier place to ask for the miserable experience. After struggling with this thing several months, I found that I should not worry thing too much:
1. The miserable experience is what you ask for by spending a lot of money and time. Nobody else fore you to apply the damn green card.
2. There is no year 2000 case pending. (at least I don't know). I should get it in another 2 years. At worst 10 years.
3. So what? someof my friends went back after GC. Some of them got more exciting future. Some of them couldn't find job here (no choice and point to stay here without job and with so high living cost). Job is the most important, GC doesn't help you get job. With EAD, you have the same chance to get job with GC.
Applied: feb 02
Still waiting for 2nd FP. Attorney sent a inquiry and got back a note that something will be done in 60 days. 60 days have passed already and no news yet.
1st FP: Oct 02
Applying for 3rd EAD and AP soon.
LUD Change

Thought this would be a more readable format. When updating, please carry over all the details to your post and update your information.

timesa - WAC-02-172-xxxxx - No 2FP, No RFE
Koolkat - WAC-02-119-xxxxx - Feb. 02 filer
485486 - WAC-02-113-xxxxx
delux - WAC-02-10x-xxxxx - Still waiting after 2nd FP - Case Missing
east2west - WAC-02-138-xxxxx - March 02 filer, No FP2 yet, no RFE
Waiting_May2002 - WAC-02-184-5xxxx - FP2 Done - No change in status - LUD 7/26, 9/17, 9/28
junior_member - WAC-02-197-5xxxx - FP2 Done - RFE Replied 9/10
vishuvs - WAC-02-151-xxxxx - RFE Replied 9/21
zoro - WAC-02-129-5xxxx - Still waiting for 2nd FP
sun06 - WAC-02-133-xxxx No second FP, wife's second FP done.
sshen - March 02 Filer
desi_alien - WAC-02-122-xxxxx - feb 02 - Still waiting for 2nd FP.

shassan's post

timesa - WAC-02-172-xxxxx - No 2FP, No RFE
Koolkat - WAC-02-119-xxxxx - Feb. 02 filer
485486 - WAC-02-113-xxxxx
delux - WAC-02-10x-xxxxx - Still waiting after 2nd FP - Case Missing
east2west - WAC-02-138-xxxxx - March 02 filer, No FP2 yet, no RFE
Waiting_May2002 - WAC-02-184-5xxxx - FP2 Done - No change in status - LUD 7/26, 9/17, 9/28
junior_member - WAC-02-197-5xxxx - FP2 Done - RFE Replied 9/10
vishuvs - WAC-02-151-xxxxx - RFE Replied 9/21
zoro - WAC-02-129-5xxxx - Still waiting for 2nd FP
sun06 - WAC-02-133-xxxx No second FP, wife's second FP done.
sshen - March 02 Filer
desi_alien - WAC-02-122-xxxxx - feb 02 - Still waiting for 2nd FP.
shassan - WAC-02-173-xxxxx - No FP2 / No RFE

2nd fp done...

RD wac-02-111-xxxx
1 fp April 2002
2 fp Sept 2004.(after lot of efforts from Sen Boxer and Congman Pete Start office).

Waiting for approval.