wac-02-064 I-485 approved


Registered Users (C)
In such a beautiful morning, my online message changed to case being approved!!

It took 110 days to be approved after 2nd FP & RFE completed. Most likely I was trapped by the "name check". In my opinion, most of Chinese names in English spelling are very similar to each other, so the chance to get a "hit" during name check is high. Maybe attach a copy of driver's license to each application and the response to RFE will be a good idea. Driver's license provides some physical descriptions, which may help identifying you against the one in the criminal database.

I would like to thank PCee, off-patience, Kashmir, and Tasse for all your wonderful contributions to this forum.

ND: 12/14/01
2nd FP: 10/28/03
RFE acknowledged: 11/03/03
AD: 2/20/04
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