wac-02-033-5XXXX STILL WAITING! :(


Registered Users (C)
ND: 07 Nov 2001.
FP : 02 Sep 2002.
Still waiting for 485 approval.

Other Stuff regarding my case
* I am on my second EAD and AP right now.
- Got the first when I was still with my original
- Got the second with my new employer.
- Had filed for the second set of EADs+APs
soon after I got laid off.
* Changed companies.
- New job in Feb.
- Same salary and work with new employer
- Filing AOS-portability letter with INS
this week.
- Hopefully this will not have INS send me
an RFE.
- Should I be sending my paystubs too along
with the AOS-portability letter?
* H1 is no longer valid, H1 expired in Aug 2002.
- Working on my EAD since then.

* Any news on 02-033 cases?
* WIll INS still send me an RFE?
- What other papers can I file along with my
AOS-portability letter s.t. RFE is not required?
* Can I travel to India with my new AP without
any issues?
- Can anyone post their experiences recently
on india travel using AP?

same boat - with the number of people on this boat - I think it might sink -we are wac 02 061 - hubby and I have both renewed H1b's in the last 6 mo - have applied for 2nd ead's - still waiting for those ( wac 03 150 **) - fP's have just exp - did them May 15 2002 - so I guess now we wait for new fp notice ? can one ask to go and re-do fp - or just go in and have them re- done? I am a pharmacist - I am sure I could make a good living just selling anti - depressants to everyone on this forum!!!
Happiness is a journey not a destination ....

The same boat as you guys. I just saw this little piece that I liked.

"For a long time it seemed to me that life was about to begin, real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way. Something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life. This perspective has helped me to see there is no way to happiness: happiness in the way. So treasure every moment you have and remember that time waits for no one."
Hey I'm happy!

Hi 'stillwaiting'

thanks for a little piece of info... anyways.. after going through a layoff... credit fraud.. check fraud.. (why me??) .. oh well.. anyways.. INS seems like a piece of cake...

oh well.. heres my smile! :D

-- Rajesh
FYI: Supposed to call on august 8th to find out.


Just thought I'd let everyone know.. I called up the BCIS 800 number, after about a 10 min wait I talked to someone who asked me to call up on or after august 8th before they could flag it for review or something like that.

Lets see if anything happens to my case before that. I recently applied for the AOS Portability application through my lawyers.

Hopefully I'll see some positive movement bfore or maybe an RFE based on the AOS petition.

Will keep you guys posted.

u r still better off....

mine is WAC01-275-53xxx... and called up BCIS on 7/10.... they said, their time line for I-485s is 20months... so, mine has taken longer - they have marked on it... and should hear something from them in 3-4 weeks..... lets see what do we hear (or not) :-(...