WAC-01-250-xxxxx Approved -- CSC, RD 06/01, ND 08/06, EB3!!


New Member
Dear All,
I am usually a read-only visitor to this site, which I find very very helpful. I feel an obligation to others and would like to share my data.

Congratulations to PCEE for his list (http://pceegcee.tripod.com/), which I think, is the essence of what all I-485 waiter look for. Keep up the good work PCEE -- this was a very smart idea. Can you decipher for me what pcee/gcee means, please?

I think, there are a lot of folks with the 250 batch number still waiting, hope that will be an encouragement for them.

After about 9 months of wait, finally approved for me and my wife. Got the news from the lawyer and received courtesy notices, yesterday. AVM has not changed yet.

Here are my details:

country: Bulgaria
MD June 1st, 2001
RD June 1st, 2001
ND August 8th, 2001
AP received mid September
FP appointments received Oct 21st
FP done Nove 21st in Modesto ASC , on schedule
EAD received beginning of December
AD March 6.

Courage and good luck to all waiters. Do not forget that Rome was not built in a day and that every dog has its day.

There will be sunshine on your street too,

AD March 6th?

This may be a typo, but when you mention AD as March 6th, do you mean that you got the notice in hand from your lawyer yesterday (i.e. March 6th)? So is the actual AD on your notice March 2nd, 3rd or 4th? as it would take a couple of days to reach your lawyer by mail and besides looks like the CSC was closed yesterday so I guess there were no approvals (or any processing for that matter) yesterday.

Based on the above it seems highly unlikely that the AD on your notice would say March 6th.

Congratulations on your approval anyway!!! Enjoy your freedom.
AD March 1st

Yes, ur right. Notice date on apporval notices is March 1st. I got the news from the lawyer March 6. Wishing you luck and fast resolution,
