VSC RFE Questions


Registered Users (C)
Responsed to RFE with Pay Stubs, W-2, Employment Letter, AC21

How soon does VSC process after response to the RFE?

Can they call for interview even after RFE?

What about second FP?

Any recent VSC RFE approvals?

RD: Jan. 2002
FP: July 2002
RFE: Sept. 2003
RFE Response: Sept. 2003
I sent my response on August 26th. so far I didn't hear any thing. I am expecting it is going to take another 1 month.

After RFE, generally they don't do local transfers unless you change jobs etc., But Never know.

It seems your fp is expired, They may send fp notice.

Most of the recent approvals taken around 2 months time.

The action on a response to RFE used to be in a couple of weeks last year.

I don't know why it has become so slow.