VSC-RFE question, Please help!


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VSC-NIW RFE question, Please help!

I got an NIW-RFE from VSC, it is only one question about independent letter, see quote below:

"The letters submitted in behalf of the beneficiary are from intereseted parties, and while they are helpful tehy do not carry the same probative weight as opinions from experts and institutions that are clearly independent of the beneficiary. It is generally expected that an individual whose accomplishments have gone well beyond the circle of her personal acquaintances, would have letters of recommendation from sources beyond the circle of her personal acquaintances. In other words, if the beneficary's work is not highly praised apart from her personal and professional associates, then it is difficult to conclude that she is of national interest. Considering the extremely restrictive category being requested, it is expected that the record would include a wider range of letters.

Therefore, you are requested to submit opinions from experts and institutions that are clearly independent of the beneficiary."

Anyone have gotten similar RFE before?
My question is: Do I need to submit some independent letters only or do I need to submit other support materials, such as the invitation letter to review, the requesting email for suggestion from the persons outside my circle, etc that you can suggest? How many letters do you think is appropriate? I submited six letters at the first time, with two as independent letter.

Anxious to hear your suggestion!

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yw7kyahoo said:
I got an NIW-RFE from VSC, it is only one question about independent letter, see quote below:

Anyone have gotten similar RFE before?
My question is: Do I need to submit some independent letters only or do I need to submit other support materials, such as the invitation letter to review, the requesting email for suggestion from the persons outside my circle, etc that you can suggest? How many letters do you think is appropriate? I submited six letters at the first time, with two as independent letter.

Anxious to hear your suggestion!


I would say get at least 5-6 independent letter and also submit other supporting material...

ND: 7/22/05
Give them only what they ask for.

First of all, it seems to me that the adjudicator thinks highly of your qualifications, but needs only to hear from more independent sources that, indeed, you have the requisite background and accomplishments for NIW.

The RFE asks only for independent letters. This is what you should give to them. Do not dilute it with other evidence. If you feel there's material that ought to be included as part of your RFE response, be sure to include it only as part of the letters.

In my opinion, you only give them what they ask for.

(NOT LEGAL ADVICE ... take with grain of salt.)