VSC approval pattern in August


Registered Users (C)
There have been few Oct, 2000 approvals before yesterday. I observed that many 1999 cases and cases before Oct 2000 were taken care of. Since yesterday, it started picking up steam for Oct cases yesterday (at least four of the approvals were from Oct 2000).

This is my observation. What about yours? I don\'t mind VSC clearing up old cases as long as it is moving along.

Good luck to all other pending cases.

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I think you are right. They acted like people in a hurry to get rid of October... I expect they will move on to November in a few days. This latest flurry of approvals suggest so. So far they have approved about 40 october cases by my reckoning, that is those registered here and immitracker, and I believe there are many more who don\'t post so we may never know. It is good they picked up long pending cases.

Forgive my ignorance but are there any other sites simmilar to this one where people post their infos ?

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They might do a few Nov ND cases in the last week of Aug. However, I think this time the processing date will advance by one month only - to 11/1/00.

However, since VSC is probably cleaning up earlier cases, the approvals would be more focussed on Nov next month.

Currently, the approval span is very broad, anywhere from Sep 99 to Oct 00. With cleaning up of old cases this would be narrowed down and then people with similar ND will see similar ADs.