Volunteer professional experience for I-140 process


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Employer of my wife (she is a software engineer) starts to apply for a PERM process for her. Currently she has a bachelor degree and a bit more thn 4 years of paid professional experience before joining this job. This makes her part of the Third Employment-Based Preference Category for I-140, which means she will be waiting for I-140 for years (now they are processing applications submitted in 2001).
My wife is only 8 months short for 5 years of professional experience that will make her part of the Second Employment-Based Preference Category (a bachelor's degree and at least five years of progressive experience), that will allow her to receive I-140 pretty fast.
When we came to the US in 2005, she was volunteering for 9 months doing software development work for an university.
Does anybody know whether volunteer (non-paid) professional experience can be counted as part of the progressive experience? The position my wife works at requires bachelor degree + 5 years of experience, so in case the volunteer experience can be counted, she is fine to go.

Thanks a lot!