Visitors visa


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We would like my mother-in-law to visit us for few months.

She is a widow, staying with her married son in India. Her son owns the place where she lives. Even her bank account is a joint account with her son. As of such she does not own any immovable property.

She has every intention of returning back to India.

However, 3 months back when we applied for a visitors visa it was rejected under Section 214(b) (must convince the consular officer of his or her intent to return).

1)Is there any way we can prove she is going to return back?

2)Have any of you faced such a situation and how did you solve it?
My parents visa was also rejected on the same ground.
Though my father works back home, they showed proof of property and bank balances etc.
what are your mother in law planning to do now ?
2 rejections

Hi, my mother in law is in the same situation even though we proved she has assets which are tied to her return. She has been rejected 2ce. We are planning to mail the application in. Any suggestion.

Thanks in advance