Visitor visa rejected for my mother - 3rd time


New Member
My mother has her visitor visa interview on 06 June, 2006 at 9.45am. This is her third appearance in the consulate (first was Feb 2005, second was June 2005 and third was June 2006) and She was rejected her visa again under section 214B.

My mother is aged 59 yrs and she is a single parent. We are two siblings (me and my brother) and both of us are in US now. Both me and my brother are here on deputation and will be returning to India after our assignment is over.

With the help of the senator, I made an enquiry to chennai consulate for the reason for rejection. The reply indicated that my mother does not have enough financial ties to home country. This is the same reason they gave last time as well.

My mother owns a two storeyed home, land and savings account in India. We had appointed an auditor who evaluated her assets. This report was shown to the officer at the time of interview and still they say she doesnt have enough financial ties. This is the third time I am applying visitor visa for my mother. I can invite my mother only when I come to US on deputation. I am really disappointed by the way my mother’s case was considered by the US consulate. I have lost one more chance to get my mother to USA to show places because of an unfair response shown by the officer/ translator at the US consulate. I am really desperate to bring my mother to USA and show her places here.

Some ppl were telling me that it is difficult to get the visa as my mother is a single parent or may be because me and my brother are in US. If this is true I am surprised by the way US govt promote their tourism.

I am requesting your advice on what I can do to give a chance for my mother to visit me in USA before I go back to India. Is there a way by which I can request the officers to reconsider their decision made. Is there anything more that I can do. Pls advice.

Hi Gomathisarma,

I completely understand ur agony and frustration. It seems very unfair and unreasonable. From the way you mentioned, seems like you did everything in your power to give all the necessary paperwork. Apart from this, there isnt much we can do. But in this forums i have read many times that single parents DID get the visa. It's not uncommon. Though it seems harder, but ofcourse each case is much different. I know of a friend, who's mom faced a similar situation, but he hired a lawyer, i'm not sure in US or in India, and though after many failed attmepts, eventually, they did get the visa.
Dont lose hope !


I can understand your frustration. I was in the same boat not too long ago.
My mom got the visa 3rd time. I am in the same boat as you. My mom is also a single parent and she was also rejected on basis of not sufficent ties back home. The only differenece is that we are 2 bros, and my bro stays in India.

There is no defined basis for the denials. All we can do is keep trying.

Dont lose hope! Things will work out!
Hi, sorry 2 hear..does your mother wk? sometimes that is the key factor,if she dosen't, they fell she will abandon her country... Well just keep on trying...