Visitor visa rejected 4th time for mom in Chennai!


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MY mom went for her visa interview today at chennai. The consular officer was very nice and polite. Took time to go thru the papers and asked questions like why are u going? Who is there? how long do u plan to stay? Why did you extend the last visit etc. My mom answered everything and just like that the officer closed the file and called the next applicant and the translator told her that the interview was over. I am sooo sad! All documents were in place and my mom said she has a son and she needs to come back for his marriage and showed property details etc.

they said that they are not convinced she willcome back.God only knows what will convince them. the only way I see now is to wait to get my Citizenship and get her a GC. This way, these COs are pushing us to bring in more immigrants. Only if they issued the visas!

Sorry to hear about your mother's visa. Few things should be kept in mind when someone applies for US visa. Immigration experts suggest, someone should not extend his/her stay beyond authorized period at POE by the immigration officer. Even though he/she gets extension approved by USCIS. But still consular takes it as his/her intention to become an immigrant when you apply next time. Also when somebody applies for visa, he/she mentions in the application the duration he would like to spend in the USA and many people write in the application 2-3 months and consulate grants them visa. When next time he/she applies for visa consulate gets access to hir/her record and finds out that not only he/she stayed beyond the time which was mentioned in the application, he/she applied for an extenuation in the stay during his/her stay in the US.