visitor visa forpeople over 60 at delhi consulate


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I got information from someone that people over 60 applying for visitor visa in delhi must go to a different consulate. are there two consulates in delhi? if so which one should they apply in. What is the procedure for applying for visitor visa. can anyone explain or point me to some links. greatly appreciate it. thanks. i am applying for my mother in law to come visit.
anand72 said:
I got information from someone that people over 60 applying for visitor visa in delhi must go to a different consulate. are there two consulates in delhi? if so which one should they apply in. What is the procedure for applying for visitor visa. can anyone explain or point me to some links. greatly appreciate it. thanks. i am applying for my mother in law to come visit.

Your post made me laugh for a minute, 'two consulates' ! No, there is only one in Delhi and it is the US Embassy. All must go to that Us embassy located at Chanakyapuri. The person advising you was probably confusing an earliear rule where persons over 60 could apply via drop-box. This has been dicontinued and all persons must go for personal interview at embassy. You need to schedule an interview via the website.

Also read the information at the embassy website:

Prepare and research well before applying if you want to avoid the frustration of a rejection. Good websites are and