My sister-in-laws visitors visa application was rejected this morning in Mumbai on the grounds that she is a divorcee. The interview lasted about 2 minuted and she did not have the opportunity to tell them that she is divorced,but she has a good job as a school teacher and she has sole custody of her son who is 12 and in a special needs school. She has very strong ties to india.
Can anyone give advise on this type of situation? They said we can reapply after three days, but what should we do to prove that her visit to the U.S. is purely for a visit and to attend a cousins marriage? We are very discouraged and need advie. Thank you.
Can anyone give advise on this type of situation? They said we can reapply after three days, but what should we do to prove that her visit to the U.S. is purely for a visit and to attend a cousins marriage? We are very discouraged and need advie. Thank you.