visitor visa: (avoid mentioning baby-delivery as reason?)


Registered Users (C)
Hi All,

My mother-in-law will apply for a visitor's visa in a few days
time to come to US. In my letter of invitation to her, I
mention the fact that we are expecting a baby.

I find some posts on this website saying that this is not a
good idea. Can any one comment on this? It is not clear
to me why this counts as a negative.

If this is a negative thing to mention, I may ask my m-i-l
to not show the letter of invitation. It is too late to send her
a new one now. (Also, she came to US 4 years ago for 6
months and left as per schedule...for what that is worth....).

Thanks for any inputs on this.

jj jet
Hi jjjet

Its true that you should usually never mention about expecting a baby while getting a visa for parents. The reason is that the consulate officer may think that you are getting your parents here to be baby-sitters and you are potentially taking away the job from an American. So they are coming here on a visitor visa but they have an intention of working in US.

I do know a friend whose in-laws were denied a visa for this reason. But I also know a few other people who had no problem getting here. In any case, I think its safer to mention the purpose of their visit as "travel/meeting family and friends" instead of "my daughter is expecting a baby".

Good luck!
