Visitor Medical Insurance Related Question.


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I know this not the site where i i can ask this question, i am planning to bring my mother as a visitor, i want to take a medical insurance please somebody can provide the good medical insurence company names for vistors coverage.

try insurance companies from your home country, they might be cheaper and have more options....when I invited my parents from India three years ago, I think I used Oriental insurance....
Yeah.. My parents have been visiting me for the last two years. Each time they have taken insurance from India through Oriental Insurance.
I (as well couple of my very close friends) have first hand experience with Oriental insurance/General Insurance companies(Indian) and IMG(American) while getting my parents insured while travelling overseas. I have pretty much consistent (bad) experience. Indian insurance companies had/has tie up with Mercury Insurance of UK. Policy premiums are taken care by Indian companies but "Claims" are settled by Mercury insurance(UK). They are certainly very cheap when it comes to "premium" but you have to really fight very hard to get claims settlement. Mercury outrighly rejects all the claims except life threatening emergency (I would say other than death, they will not settle anything else). First, they will always justify saying that it is not emergency or the treatment could have been postponed till return to home country. My friends' parents are doctors themself and while making the claims they make sure that "wordings" of the claims are "Life Threatenings". Therefore, be extremely careful while making the "claims". Until the doctor is your "friend", he/she will use pretty generic "wordings". I have worked for Insurance company in the past and my experience says Insurance company (not written) policy is to deny all the claims first and then let the claimant proves otherwise. Insurance companies will as well give you lot many freebies while you pay the premium but when comes to claims settlement, God saves you (if you are still alive!) .Thanks:mad:
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You may be very much correct. With God's grace, there hasn't been an instance where I had to make any claims.

To be on a slightly safer side, I also take a health discount program from Alliance for Affordable Insurance. This gives a 50-60% discount for most of the medical facilities (which is still expensive) but works out well for small ailments.

Thanks for the clarification. I should have put in a disclaimer with my response.
Hi nowhereinsight,
I would like to know a bit more about this Aliance Insurance program - 50/60% discount details etc. Sounds pretty good as backup plan. Will you kindly let me know their web site/contact details for future use? Regards,
What about this?

I have seen on for visitor insurance, they are all us based premiums arearound 120/month, covers 200,000 could somebody know whether they are genune .:D
Yes, IMG is genuine and I have extremely bad experience with them. They just refused to settle the claims on the logic that the it (pain in the heart!!) was not emergency as per the doctor's report. We asked the doctors to change the wordings because it was emergency and we are as well not going to pay you (and the hospital) anything from our own pocket. And subsequently, doctors spoke to the IMG and sent another report. In spite of that, IMG paid only 50% of the expenses. We didn't bulge. Subsequenly, the doctors (and the hospital) started sending letters first directly and subsequently through Debt Collection Agency. We made our point clear to the Doctors and the agencies. We talked to the doctors after 90 days and told them if they want to settle it, we can pay maximum 10% of the total bill and that too because we want to oblige you because IMG has refused to pay. They immediately agreed on this proposal(I wish I would have told them 5%) and we settled the claims and informed the Debt Collection Agency about it - NO EFFECT ON CREDIT REPORTS. We talke to three doctors, one path lab and one hospital administration in the same way.

Whatever policy you buy, irrespective of the Insurance companies, they will certainly decline your claims until and unless the "wordings" in the claim report is unambigously leading to "Life Threatening Emergency". Always get prior approval from the Insurance Company (24 hrs number is available). Keep record of the person you are talking to. Get REFERENCE Number. Tell the doctor up frot that talk to the insurance company first before starting the treatment. And of course, the claimant has to show that he/she has life threatening emergency (brkoken body limbs acceptable!!) and the attending doctor is writing "Life threatening Emergency" wordings in the claim form. Talk to some experienced person before the claimant and doctor(s) reports reach the Insurance company. In worst case, do not yield if you are not satisfied with claim settlement. Medical expenses/bills are exorbitant and highly exacerated in USA. I am sre you know PPO/HMO system here and how the isurance companies settle the claims of their clients with doctors here. I have seen my around $4000 PPO medical claims/bills settled by my insurance company to $600(to the doctor/hospital)! Thanks.
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Re: please provide some info

Originally posted by spouse
I know this not the site where i i can ask this question, i am planning to bring my mother as a visitor, i want to take a medical insurance please somebody can provide the good medical insurence company names for vistors coverage.


This is a common problem we all face. Folks on this board would certainly know the answer, for the lack of a better forum category, it is perfectly allright to ask such a question here. :)

Remember, this forum is more than an immigration book, it is a common place for us all to share our pains and experiences and jokes.
This is really really really usefull information.

Thanks to anand pandey.
Thanks to silly man for allowing this kind of discussions.

Visit the site or call 1-866-INSU-BUY

If your parents are healthy do not buy excessive insurance.
Ask you parents do bring regular medical supply + few extra medicines
like antibiotics. Please do take a indian doctors presciption along
with it so that it can be shown to immigration officers for current

I came to know about the problem if you buy insurance from india.
The real problem is indian company collect the premium and do not pay regularly to mercury insurance in london. hence it fight between indian company and their conterpart abroad
Has anybody used insurance from

While I use them for my parents, I haven't yet had any reason to claim (by God's grace, I hasten to add ;-), sodon't know if there are any issues others might have faced.


- nik.
Nik. I too had seen that website and am thinking of using their insurance for my parents. I would like to know of any good/bad experiences with them. One thing I cannot seem to do ever is, convince the insurance company to pay up. :mad: . And I end up paying all I owe out of pocket. If anyone has used a nice insurance for their parents, please share.
No matter what insurance you get, read the fine print. Most have deuctables. So don't be surprised if you end up paying the full bill out of pocket even with insurance. Most also have maximum benefits payable, so if things get really pricey, again you will be on your own. Add to this the fact that many services will not be covered. Many doctors will not see patients without local insurance. If you pay the clinic out of your own pocket and then try to get reimbursed from the insurance company, they might reimburse you the "usual and customary cost" which will be an unpleasant surpise.

If your parents are healthy, I think it would be more prudent to take the risk and take no insurance. Accidents happen... auto accidents would most likely be covered by your auto insurance. Slips and falls at your house/apartment would be covered under renter's/home-owners insurance (it's only about $10/month). Others... sue 'em!

Worst case scenario... mom or dad needs to be hospitalized in an emergency. Hospitals can't refuse any patient as they are subsidized by the federal government. Expect a huge bill and wish the collection agencies good luck in collecting it from overseas.
Gopher97 I seriously doubt anyone would take such a risk. Your advise in effect was, sit back and wait for things to go bad before you deal with it. I cannot take a gamble and let fate decide things for me, sorry.
I know you meant it in good faith, but thanks but no thanks. I am aware America is a land of sue his ass before he sues you, but I do not think its the right thing to do. Nor do I wish to increase the problems for immigrants by defaulting hospital bills.
I think the right approach would be to read the fine print like you suggested, and go to a Desi doctor in case of emergency. Most plans have a few of them in almost every city. And yeah, having mom and dad bring their medical supplies from home will work too.
Yup, lets see you sue INS first, and set them right, before we talk about Medical. I had a friend who'se dad got a heart attack, and he had the same ideas. He got a bill (not his dad), for $247,000 and below it said "mastercard", "visa" or "discover".

I have bought Insurance from several times and not claimed yet to see how genuine they are ?

One thing for sure, by reading their fine print nothing is covered
( because problems that arise out of Pre-existing condition is not covered ),you are buying insurance to relieve your own mental stress .So i have opted for higher deductible to reduce the monthly payments.

Does anybody have experience with
for refunds ?
How do you prove "pre existing condition"? I mean what is an acceptable proof to them, that says .. so and so condition did not pre-exist?

deciding whether the case is Pre-existing or not? is decided by
the Insurance and the Dr's report .Its purely on medical grounds,
let us say for eg.. if you have heart problems out of high blood
pressure or diabetes then its not covered and also if you fall or met with an accident then its covered.

Also let us say you buy insurance for one month and met with an
accident on 20th day and insurance is only for 10 days and if
you re-new the insurance, then it will not be covered there after since it will be under "Pre-Existing".

I think buying 3 or more months at a time,will help remove the
above clause ......try talking to themmmm.....
About, I took for my in-law and she had a heart attack but so far they have not paid a single penny. They are saying that it is pre-existing condition. She never had a heart attack before but she was diabetic. They are saying diabetic could lead to heart attack and so we are in the process of collection. The total bill is $120,000. So, any insurance pre-existing condition is the big catch.