Visiting visa (B2) for parents...Question..


New Member
Have a question about attending interview for my parents. My Dad is 60 and mom is 54. Do they need to go for the interview at the consulate as my mom is below 60 ? Or they just can use the drop box as one of them (Dad) is at 60 years of age.

They are planning to come together. Please advise. If they can use the drop box, they dont need to go all the way to Chennai. (they are not in Chennai).

Did you get any info?

I too want to know the same exact information. replied a generic message

That is of no help!

on the home page under the heading Consular Websites on top,click on Chennai ,then click on Non immigrant Visa Option on the left side,then click on using the dropbox option for dropbox criteria ,if you satisfy the criteria then you can avail the dropbox facility otherwise you have to attend a Personal Interview at
the Chennai Consulate by taking an appointment through our website, applicant should satisfy the criteria individually.

I think it's better to call them.
They need to go for an Interview

I have sent papers for my parents who fall under the same category. Dad is above 60 and mom below 60. Apparently my FIL who lives in Chennai went to Chennai TTS personally and asked them. They confirmed that both of them need to go to the Interview personally. Because it does not make sense to apply separately.
Yes. They both went together !

They called the TT services and they said they need to come personaly. So they went together for the interview. but the interview was so simple and they called both of them together for the interview and F/L could answer all the questions. M/L just stand behind only. They didnt ask anything to her !! they both got 10 year visa even though we requested for 1 month (since they are govt. employees).
just asked normal questions. Also question about their other Son who is studying. Question about the money which my F/L got when he took VRS. what did you do with that money Fixed deposit what interest do u get for one year etc.

nothing difficult. they got the PP in 2 days !!