Visiting UK from US with a valid H1 petition(not stamped)


New Member
I hold a H1-B extension which is not stamped yet.I am travelling back to india and want to know if I can stay in UK for a short period on my way back .
Please let me know if my status is eligible to get a UK visitor visa.
> What would a US visa have to do with visitor visas in some other country?

'on the way back' would imply a transit situation in the UK directed towards the US.

Some countries with lots of transit travellers require you to have a valid visa for your final destination (US) when you apply for the visitors or transit visa (e.g. germany).

Take your extension approval notice with you when you go to the UK consulate. They probably deal with this situation every once in a while and if you are friendly and persistent you should be able to get through to a supervisory consular officer who can help you.
> For a transit visa, that makes sense, but you can of course get a
> visitor visa for a country, e.g., Germany without a visa from some
> other country.

If you travel into 'Schengenland' you have to provide proof that you can enter the country you are planning to go to afterwards (you are 'in transit' anytime you travel to a third country after initial entry).

Note a list of the requirements on the german consulate website if you apply from within the US:

Required Documents
- original of valid US alien registration card or valid US resident visa (type A, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, O, R) and one copy

(The UK is not a party to the Schengen treaty, but it is entirely possible that they want a valid US visa before they admit you for a tourist stay)
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