Visiting India with Green Card


New Member
Hello All,

I have opened this thread on behalf of my cousin sister and here is what the situation is:

1) Both my cousin sister and her three year old daughter got their Green Crads via my Brother-in-law.

2) For some personal anad financial reasons, my cousin sister wants to send her daughter to School in India

Now her concern is:

1) How will it effect her daghters Green Card validity? She has already filed for an exemption to allow her kid to stay in India for more than a year. But she has not heard of anything from the INS on that petition. How long does the process to approve her stay outside the country takes?

2) Her other concern is , will this effect her daughters process/procedure in any way while applying for a citizenship down the road if she choses to?

Any input is highly appreciated and the sooner the better.

Thank you all in advance!

With best regards.