Visit Visa - validity period


Registered Users (C)
Dear all

I would like to know for a Visitor visa or a Business Visitor visa

1. For how long does the consulate give a visa for - 6 months or less ?
2. If I have a visa for 3 months & the validity date on the visa stamped expires on say Jan 31st '04 and I enter canada in Dec 1st '03 , do I have to return on or before Jan 31st'04 or I can stay till Mar 31st 04 ? I mean to ask if the visa period is from the date entered or the expriy date?

I appreciate all your replies & thank you.

1. It depends. Usually between 2 months to 3 years. It depends on the consular.

2. Visa will allow you to come to the port of entry. An immigration officer will decide how long you are allowed to stay. So, if you arrive at the port of entry with 1-month validity remaining on your visa, the immigration officer may allow you to enter the country for six months.