Visa waiver/citizenship question


New Member
Im from the UK & recently overstayed my visa waiver by 1 day as i made a stupid mistake with my dates. :mad: I am now back in the UK and would like to visit my gf in the US for her graduation near the end of may about 2 months away, honestly i would also like to stay with her permanently instead of having to return to the UK as we've pretty much planned out our future together.

So my questions are:

A:Having overstayed my visa waiver by 1 day will i be able to see her again in may? I believe now i cant use the visa waiver again so i have to apply for a visa?

B:Is there anyway i could get citizenship during that time, for example getting a tourist visa and applying for citizenship whilst over there? Id really hate to have to keep leaving her for months its hard.

Thanks for any replies! :eek:
hi there
i read an article somehwere unfortunately i dotn know where cause im also looking into visas and immigration. Anyway i have a boyfriend there and if i did overstay even by 1 day then i will be fined in a way. meaning they label you as a person who disobeyed law, and really its a pain cause it is IN THE RULES AND REGUALTIONS NOT TO OVERSTAY WHILST ON WAIVER, WHICH MEANS U LOST YOUR WAIVER OPPURTUNITY FOR THE FUTURE. IT MIGHT TAKE REAL LONG TIME FOR YOU TO GET BACK TO WAIVER SO SHE CAN BETTER APPLY FOR K1 FIANCE/EE VISA OKEE. THEN U CAN GO THERE BUT THEY WILL STILL SEE U DISOBEYD THE RULE AND MUGHT PUNISH YOU WHICH THEY DO. STUID ISNT IT? AND ABSURD CAUSE ONE MIGHT THINK LOVE CONQUERS ALL.
Hi- youre right about not being able to use the VWP. An overstay is an overstay regardless of how long it was. If you want to still visit a tourist visa (B1/2) is an option, but being from a VWP country it is unlikely that you will get one (not impossible but unlikely). I agree with the K1 advice (that is of course if you are ready for marriage)- I dont think the overstay will have any affect on the success of this visa (I could be wrong) so that is definitely an option. You also can't just get citizenship. If you go the K1 route, once you have been a GC holder for 3 years (I think- or it could be 5) THEN you may apply for citizenship.
I wish you every success.