visa stamped but fedex didn't pick up pp


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Hi all,
I think i am in a unique situation.

I called the visa office at washington today. The person has told me that my visa was issued (h1 revalidation) about 5 days ago. But i couldn't find my package when i tracked it on fedex today.

The lady at the state dept told me that they ship the package as soon as the visa is issued.

does this mean that they have lost the pp?

Is there anyone out there who has had similar experience? what are my options here, apart from waiting and hoping that the package will somehow show up?

I will appreciate any help/advice.
I read somewhere on DOS website that Fedex picks up the mail from DOS office everyday.
(a) Did you fill out both FROM/TO sections on the airbill?
(b) Did you place the airbill in return envelope pocket, or with your other documents?
a) yes i filled both from and to sections. i gave my address on both sections,
b) i filled the airbill and placed it inside a fedex envelope and then folded the envelope and placed it inside the package with other docs.

asingh1 said:
I read somewhere on DOS website that Fedex picks up the mail from DOS office everyday.
(a) Did you fill out both FROM/TO sections on the airbill?
(b) Did you place the airbill in return envelope pocket, or with your other documents?
Don't want to cause more confusion, but I thought that DOS website explicitly says not to put any doc. in the inside envelope. Could someone with experience confirm this please?
I need to apply for replacement of a lost visa, and am :confused: now
I am in the same boat. Mine was approved 6 days ago. Approved does not mean that visa is printed. I think there are lot of PP waiting to be printed. I hope I am right otherwise I will be concerned as well.
lets hope that everything will be fine.
did you call washington to find out if your pp has been stamped?

haplabor said:
I am in the same boat. Mine was approved 6 days ago. Approved does not mean that visa is printed. I think there are lot of PP waiting to be printed. I hope I am right otherwise I will be concerned as well.
Would you be able to advise me the telephone # that you had called so as I may do the needful as my/wife passport has been due to us for a bit .. Thanks

How you guys getting the status. When I call they are saying they dont give status. What you are saying so that they are giving the status of your PP.

Don't get dejected if you don't get any replies. Just call again and you might get a good person on the other side.
I had to call five times to get a reply.

soDamnCool said:
Hi all,
I think i am in a unique situation.

I called the visa office at washington today. The person has told me that my visa was issued (h1 revalidation) about 5 days ago. But i couldn't find my package when i tracked it on fedex today.

The lady at the state dept told me that they ship the package as soon as the visa is issued.

I will appreciate any help/advice.
Our case was similar.It happened some time ago(6 months ago).The return is by USPS express mail.
The visa office said Visas were issued.But USPS said they don't have it.
This cycle of repetetion -Visa office,USPS went on for 6 times.
the visa office was always telling that once visa issued,it is dipatched immediately and they won't track!.
I chased USPS Destination to Origin expressmail hubs all thro' the chain and finally one kind lady at USPS hub washington DC(after many trials) sent a USPS person who went personally and goaded the visa office and got the packet and finally we recieved our PPS next day (10 day after visa issuance).
When I conducted a post mortem again do you know what I was informed by USPS?
The visa office has never put the packet on the dispatch table ,where from normally the carrier's pickup.when the person repeatedly asked the visa officials,you know what they said to person? our visas were cancelled and there is no packet!.(It is not true again as our visas were stamped but the packect was not put at the right pickup place or mispalced ).finally they were handed over to USPS!!
So one way may be call your carrier wsahington hub/office,tell them what visa office is saying and tell that was handed over to them,as per your info'.
Try your luck.
Visa approval and stamping

Hi Everybody,
Visa stamping and approval takes place at two different dates sometimes. If you haven't sent proper return envelopes than I think they send it back with postage due thru USPS. This was the case for Visa revalidation resubmissions and I have seen it on some page in the DOS website. This may be true for visa revalidations in general. But the trend is that the Visa revalidations differ in time of approval and actual stamping. Please be patient and good luck.
**NO Legal advise, Please check with attorney for Legal info ***
Sodamncool did you get your passport

Sodamncool, post #1, did you get your passport, I am in the same situation as yours , It is issued on august 17th but not yet picked up by fedex, and they dont track when it is mailed.

what should I do, any advices???
I am really tensed i dont want to loose the passport.
hi tejaana,
i did receive my pp. it was picked up by fedex 6 days after the stamping.

tejaana said:
Sodamncool, post #1, did you get your passport, I am in the same situation as yours , It is issued on august 17th but not yet picked up by fedex, and they dont track when it is mailed.

what should I do, any advices???
I am really tensed i dont want to loose the passport.
Thanks sodamncool for your reply, so Waiting is the best option, is there a lot of difference between stamping and issuing, because on my second call to washington, another lady told me give it atleast 6 days after issuance, so maybe i have to wait.
anyone else any opther suggestions to help me track my passport.

Thanks to all
were you successful in getting the DC people to tell you the exact date it was mailed, because they are constantly saying that it is dispatched the very next day and today is sept 2nd and it is still not picked up.

anyone in the same situation as me or heard of any situation like this, please give me pointers, I have callled fedex and they say they cant do anything, because it is not there in their system.
