Visa Stamp First Time


Registered Users (C)
Hello all:

I will be for my 1st visa stamping next week and would like to know something. What documents must be original and what can be duplicate? I have my I797-A as original but the LCA (Certified form ETA 9035E) is a duplicate copy. The LCA was filed electronically and according to my attorney he received the duplicate version and NOT the original one. Even my company got the duplicated version.

1. Has anyone faced similair situation?
2. Would my visa application be rejected?
3. Also is there a checklist as to what I should bring to the consulate?
4. Lastly, what documents do the immigration officer at the checkpoint interested to see? I have heard from some people that getting a visa stamp doesn't automatically mean that you are allowed back into the US. Is this true? Why?

Anyone with immigration experience must advise.

