visa revalidation at sl for specil reg. people


Registered Users (C)
any body from special registration country who got visa stamped from washington recently......

is it better to send pp at sl or should go home country?

how may %chance at washington.

please jaksen and ginnu

I know 2 people sent to St. Louis both from pakistan were rejected. One of them was last week and other one 1 month ago.

I know one of them getting approve in last 6 months, other than that everyone rejected.

The approval posting is in April Revalidation tracker.
The rejections, I know them personally.
One of them has been here for 10 years now, Bachelors, Masters and now working for Cingular(Bell South).



can u tell me is it better to stamp from vacouver,toronto or go back to my home country.i m canadian resident too.

if u have any idea about vacouver time. i would appericiate.


Since you are a canadian landed immigrant , you shouls apply in canada . You will just hav e to wait longer to get your visa .Anything from 3 days to 3 weeks or more .
attn Bhandi


thanx for reply.

can u tell me how many days it would take visa interview if i applly

froom vancouver and toronto which one is best.

Thanx for reply.
I want to explain here that i m from special registration
how can i get same day passport back.

my second question where in usa i can get picture for nonimmigrant visa.

moreover i have still option to revalidate from st.louis. but i do not
know anybody from special registration country who got stamp from washington.
is one month leave enough to go canada for stammping?


If you are Canadian Immigrant, I would strongly suggest to go to Canada rather than Pakistan. Go to Toronto or Vancouver, whereever you have some ties and place to live. Plan for 2 to 3 weeks at the most. If you are a girl, might get lucky and get back early.
Which ever consulate you decide to visit, the requirement of picture is on their website. Print that and take it to any Wolf Camera. They are usually good.

H-1B Re-Validation

I just joined the forum today. I have been here for 11 years; graduated from here and then working. I have some questions to you guys:

1. I got my initial H-1B stamp from Mexico and then I re-validated
my H-1B again via US state Dept. in Washington DC. I am one
of the folks from Special registration countries. I have
been hearing that you guys are saying that DC and St are
denying revalidation for persons from SR countries. What do
you think about my case, since I already had a stamp from DC
on 2001 and it is still valid till 2004 January. I am planning to
send for revalidation this Nov, 2003. FYI- I am from Bangladesh.

2. I have changed my employer and traveled overseas using
my existing stamp from previous employer with new employer's
I-797. I have a travel plan this Nov, 2003 and come back before
my visa expires. Do you think, it may be a problem this time
since US is becoming harder and harder.
I don't think there is a problem to re-enter by using visa stamp from previous employer but for re-validation send your passport to St. Louis ASAP. It is taking longer then before now.

You have not answer my question. Do you know any single muslim man from SR countries got visa re-validated most recently? Was he single or married? Is it he or she; big difference. I am thinking to visit home before it expires and then come back here and then apply. Please, see if you can answer my above questions.

Do you know anybody from Bangladesh got rejected for DC/SL.
I already re-niewed ones from DC on 2001 which is going to expire Jan 2004. I am working for a different company NOW with different I-797. I traveled with previous employer's visa stamp with new employer's I-797. I did not have any problem. I have a travel plan this NOV.2003. I am planning to visit home before the visa expires and then come back and apply. Can you answer my question in the first line of this message. If visa was given, were they married or single; male or female??? It matters big time. I am here in USA for 11 years, I know how these things go; no offence
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From what I know, no males from any SR country got their visa revalidated. Could be a diff case for females.
Guys, Its unfortunate but true. It does not look good for people from SR country as of now. Hopefully things will change soon.


Personally, I don't know anyone form Bangladesh being rejected or approved. But as of taday, chances of getting revalidated is very less. Being here for 11years and previous revalidation does not matter at this time. I have a friend from Pakistan who has been here 14 years(Bachelor, Masters and the H1), never out of status, works for CINGULAR, and still, they did not revalidate.

I would say only travel, if it is urgent. Does not hurt if you want to take a chance, (loose couple of hundred dollars and 3 months of anxiety).
If some of you are waiting for Advance Parole and looks close that is a better option.
For folks who are Canadian Landed Immigrant, rather go to Canada than home country for visa.
well guys
i'm on L-1 status, i sent my passport for revalidation in May, 03 got my passport back in Aug ,03. they did not revalidate visa.
more refusals

Hi Guys,

Here are the couple of cases i have seen so far, a friend of mine whois married and sent his passport for revalidation and got his passport back after 3 months with no visa.

Now few friends went to Pakistan, 2 of them got married and applied visa (one was h1b extension/transfer, second was new h1b) and both got the visa right away. Another friend who didn't get married had to go through clearance which is taking 45 days. The 45 days are kinda firm if your records are clear and then you gotta add another 15 days for courier to send and recieve passport.

Just wanted to let you guys know how things are going, if you are close to AP then that would be an ideal solution or if you really need a visa keep in mind it may take 2-3 months
advanced parole

What is AP and how can I get it. Can I apply for advanced parole while in H-1B. I though it is only for the guys who are wating for the I-484 for more than a certain time. Thanks!!

I have heared from a friend in Cisco that one of the Pakistani guy just go revalidated from ST/DC. He is a single guy. I guess it depends and luck. I have visa till Jan 2004. I will visit home before it expires and come back and then apply. Thanks