more like 8 days
I dont care for 260$
Just can't wait my interview date!!!
Rado my interview date is April 4, fcuk I can't focus on anything... like this wait is soooo annoying
Are u going to take financial support, affidavit of support, job offer?
I am taking with me affidavit of support from a friend in the U.S...
I am just worried they will ask for personal funds, I hope its not required
Rado my interview date is April 4, fcuk I can't focus on anything... like this wait is soooo annoying
Are u going to take financial support, affidavit of support, job offer?
I am taking with me affidavit of support from a friend in the U.S...
I am just worried they will ask for personal funds, I hope its not required
Tic-tac!! Help!!! 2 day and 15h until DDAY!!
Seriously you looking at that Rado?
have a nice drink and sleep the first day off!!
btw you tempting me to replicate that counter...
heheh 11h more ))
14 times playing the lottery wow. but glad you won mate, now it is all done
Now or never!!
Hahahah I got DV Visa !!!